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CHDV 210 Curriculum Activities Self Evaluation Form

Please reflect on these questions as you evaluate each of the 5 activities that you present.

Why did you choose this particular activity? (DRDP, conversation with child, etc.)

o I chose this activity based of the theme of the week. My mentor told me her theme was
about harvest so I based my creative activity.

What were the strong points of this activity?

The strong points of this activity was that I was able to:
o keep the children interested
o allow free expression
o bond with the children

What were the weak areas?

o The weak areas was not having a variety of materials to paint with.
o Multiple teachers doing activities at the same time didnt allow me to keep the childrens

What specific changes did you try out when you presented the activity a second time?

My activity was puffy paint and I chose to use paint the first day. The changes I made was I
changed from paint to food coloring and I added more materials to use and I also had different
colored paper so the children could express on their favorite color.

Evaluate the success of these revisions. How might you improve next time? (Focus on your
teaching skills)
I believe I can improve this activity by making sure I have materials for each child. The

program has mixed ages so I need to have something that meets each childs developmental

Did your curriculum activity meet your stated objective? Support your answer with
specific examples from your observation of the childrens involvement in the activity.
My activity matched my objects. My object were the child will be able to discuss their

favorite color. During my activity I asked the children to state their favorite colors. The children
also tried to mix colors together to make their favorite color.
My second objective was the child will be able to create varies colors. As the activity went on,
the children started to mix colors and identify them.

Based upon your informal assessment of the children during this activity, how would you
build upon this activity? What would be the next curriculum activity you would plan in
this area to enhance the childrens learning and why would you choose this next activity?
I would build upon this activity by making a lesson plan that involves the children to
share materials and create colors and free express.
The next curriculum activity would be based on science because the children was able to see
cause and effect and colorful changes.
The activity would be called science in a bag. The children would be able to add food coloring of
their choice and water. They can add different coloring to watch the change happen and should
be able to identify the colors they created.

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