Poetry Anthology Reflection

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Miranda Mitchell

ENGL 414A Childrens Literature

Dr. Burke
Poetry Anthology Reflection
Poetry is a form of literature that uses rhythmic language and other techniques to express
emotions and ideas in ways that produce various types of aesthetic satisfaction. Poetry is
neither a lesson nor does it hold a secret message but yet it is an experience for the reader; it
has no rules for interpretation. For my anthology, I chose these eighteen poems because I
love nature and animals. I enjoying appreciate the creations of the world around us. When an
individual is interest for a certain topic they have a passion for learning more or exploring. I
took my passion of animal and nature and embodied it into my poetry anthology. I think the
six essential qualities of good poems for children include rhyme and rhythm, form, give an
experience, share an experience, being introduced in a fun way, and appropriate. I think that
childrens poetry should rhyme and rhythm because when read a lot, they add to the readers
experience. Poetry is rhythm and music and sounds and beats put into words for children.
They may not understand all the words or meaning, but they'll feel the rhythms, get curious
about what the sounds mean and perhaps want to create their own. Form is essential for
childrens poetry because it is what captures the reader at first glance. It gives the reader
something to pay attention to while experiencing the words on the page. Form gives words
and context meaning and helps make themes come to life. Childrens poetry must give the
reader an experience. The poem needs to be something that is going grab the readers
attention and keep it the whole way through. The poem should also have a voice and give the
reader an experience to think about. It is important that childrens poems are introduced in an

enjoyable way. Giving children something fun to look forward to and at the same time
developing understanding of the ways poems work is a great teaching tool. The poems also
need to be at an appropriate level for the reader. Childrens poems are meant for an audience
that deserves that attention to have appropriate material.

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