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November 13, 2014

Hello Parents,
I am Da'Keisha Allen and I've had the pleasure to be a student teacher in your child's class for the
past 12 weeks. Coming to the end of my journey, I am down to my final project.
Due to this special time of the year, your child will begin to learn about Thanksgiving and
cooking. We will be learning what it means to be thankful, discuss what we are thankful for and
learn about traditional thanksgiving foods from different cultures. We will also learn about
making healthy food choices and how vegetables and fruit grow. In addition, we will participate
in a culinary activity on Thursday November 20, 2014. You are more than welcomed to join us
in this activity. During this time, your child will improve
*Math concepts with counting and using measurements.
*Diversity by learning about different cultures.
*Science by learning the cycle of growing a vegetables and fruits.
*Social skills by participating in discussions.
Your children may bring home a lot of information and have many questions for you. You can
join the Thanksgiving and Cooking study by asking your child questions about different foods
and incorporating your child in your thanksgiving traditions or in everyday cooking activities. By
participating in your childs study, you are helping your children more confident by strengthen
the skills listed above. You may also learn new information yourself. Since we are participating
in culinary activities, your child will be exposed to different foods and allegoric substances. If
your child suffers from any allergies, please let me or Ms. Nicolle know so I can make the
necessary arrangements to accommodate them.
Thank you
DaKeisha Allen

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