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Short Term Impacts

After Johannes Gutenbergs invention of the printing press and his famous bible there
was a shift in society. Afast change that occurred was that information could now be transmitted
and a rapid pace with correct information. The production of books were taken out of the elite
status as just for the rich and were given to the common man. Education was able to prosper with
new materials and learning opportunities. Literature was able to become more available and it
could be studied by a broader audience. Old classical studies that had been lost for a while began
to grow with popularity and this comes from the involvement with having the printing press
around. Old books that were written by hand could now be read in a legible neat copy of the
It was long after the printing press came into the world that the Scientific Revolution took
place. Scientist were able to look at one others work and make large leaps in the scientific world.
This circulated and created an innovative and accurate way for the scientific community to take
charge and make strides to future discovery within the medieval time period. The views of
people changed in ways that they had never before encountered.
Another effect that was quickly represented was the religious involvement it had. The
short term effects led to the churches not being able to control what was being written Printing
took the words out of the control of the Church. The reformation in the church and different
religious groups that started to divide up are thought to be in result of the printing press being
independent from the church.

Long Term Impacts

Books fill libraries and classrooms across the world. For centuries after the invention of
the printing press the world was able to develop works that have historic meaning. THe works of
Shakespeare have taken a place amongst society that without the printing press it would have
never occurred. Without the printing press the advancements within technology would have
halted centuries ago.
Education has been impacted in a long term way by being able to provide reading
materials to children and adults across the world. WIthout the printing press education could still
be limited to that of the rich and the elite.
Printing today has become a large part of the first world society. Printers are in schools,
workplaces, and peoples homes. Printing has become such a large part of the humans lives that
it acts within all atmospheres from work to personal life. Printing has also become a large part of
the educational atmosphere as it allows for students to print their own work and review it.
The signs on the streets and the signs on businesses are also here because of the printing
press, Printing also has made developing pictures and keeping them for memories a much easier
accomplishment. Most of todays products have some type of printed picture on them.
Manufactured goods has taken off with the accessibility of printing.

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