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KIN 447 D.

Names: Danaille Bark; Irma Ruiz-Bazan

May 6, 2014


2nd grade, 20 students
TIME: 20-25 minutes
Speaker and song on YouTube: Seasons Song: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer by Billy Reid
Book of poems: Seasons a Book of Poems by Charlotte Zolotow
Classroom corners or four objects to assist when separating the class into four groups.
1. The students will move their body into natural flowing shapes and stretching movements (locomotor
and non-locomotor skills) during the introduction for the lesson as directed by the teacher.
1. The students will demonstrate different seasons through movement during the lesson focus as
directed by the teacher.
1. The student will work with their groups to demonstrate movement skills while being respectful,
positive, and supportive to each other.
Introductory/Warm-up Activity:
Dance 1.1- Show a variety of combinations of basic locomotor skills (e.g., walk and run, gallop and
jump, hop and skip, slide and roll).
Lesson Focus:
Dance 2.8- Demonstrate partner skills (e.g., imitating and leading/following).
Closing/Cool Down Activity:
P.E. 5.1- Participate in a variety of group settings (e.g., partners, small groups, large groups) without
interfering with others).
P.E. 5.6- Participate positively in physical activities that rely on cooperation.
Dance 2.1- Create and improvise movement patterns and sequences.
Dance 2.7- Work cooperatively in small and large groups.
Dance 4.2- Describe how the movement in dances of peers communicates ideas or moods to the viewer
(e.g., ocean environment or sad or joyous dance).
Dance 5.1- Use literature to inspire dance ideas (e.g., poem, cartoon, nursery, rhyme).

KIN 447 D. Martin


Teaching Hints
Have students in a scattered, personal space,
Have students in own personal space at arms
formation. Teacher will start to give instructions
distance while scattered for warm-up.
for body movements, stretches. Students should,
on command, follow instructions;
reach for the sky then touch your toesEncourage students to try and do all movements
with you.
do arm circles (forward and backwards)

5 times each
hop on one foot then switch 5 times each
jump on two feet 5 times
5 jumping jacks

Have students form a circle, play the song and

have them jog, skip or walk (as long as they are
moving around in a circle) for 30 seconds. When
the song stops the students must freeze.
PART 3: LESSON FOCUS (15-20 mins):
Play Simon Says. (Go over the rules or say, do
everything Simon says).
Still in scattered formation start with movements
for the four seasons.
Spring: In the spring you go to the park, fly a kite,
and you see animals out and about.
1. Simon says skip around in the park, or
pretend to fly a kite.
2. Simon says jump like a bunny.

Help students if they are struggling with some

movements, allow time to give feedback.

Be understanding if a student gets tired.

Teaching Hints

Pause for a few seconds to allow students to do a

few repeats.

Allow students add creative movement if and

when they want.

Summer: During summer break you ride your

bike, go to the beach, and have fun outside.
1. Simon say ride your bike going around in
a circle.
2. Simon says catch a wave while surfing.

Give positive feedback to students.

Autumn (Fall): In the fall the leaves on the trees

If some students are struggling help them with the


KIN 447 D. Martin

change colors and fall so you have to rack your
leaves, but you can have fun while doing it.
1. Simon says rack the leaves that are on the
2. Simon says bend down, pick up a pile of
leaves and throw them over your head,
then jump on them.
Winter: During the Winter it rains and in some
areas it snows.
1. Simon says lie down on the snow and
move your arms and legs (like a jumping
jack) and make a snow angel.
2. Simon says glide your feet in slow motion
pretending to ice skate.

movements and allow students to adjust to own

personal need (if they are tired or want to do more

Constantly move around to help students with

exercises and give kudos, compliment, to
participating students.


Teaching Hints
Have students form a circle and walk or skip
No bumper cars, running, or pushing.
while the four seasons song plays, when the
music stops have them freeze in place. Then have Help students struggling to follow directions.
them walk towards a corner (closest to them) of
the classroom and sit down to form four groups.
Give clear directions and help the students when
Next we will play a game similar to charades.
getting into four groups and pass out poems.
(Rules) You have to "act out" a phrase
without speaking, while the other teams
Go around to each group, encourage creativeness,
try to guess what the season is.
and help shy students participate.
Pass out a Poem to each group. Each group
performs or makes up their seasonal movement
for the rest of the class, while the class interprets
Make sure all students are participating,
and guesses which season is being performed.
encourage cooperation and positive behavior.
After the class guesses what season is being
performed they have someone or everyone reads
the poem out loud.

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