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Dove VisibleCare

Yna Barcelona, Macia Chen, Cydney Ee, Jane Iio

Advertising Agency
Edelman Public Relations
Unilever Global

Targeted Groups
African American
Women who are in their
late 20s and mid 30s.
Caucasian women
Carefree women


This advertisement shows women with different body shapes

that captures all types of women, since women are all
different shapes and sizes.
Diversity with the images were shown as well. The variety of
skin tones shows how these women came from different
backgrounds which can get a huge market to buy these
The ladies in this AD seem comfortable and happy with their
skin and themselves, which empowers women, and also
shows how if you use this product it can create the same
effect on women.

Favoring white skin/
caucasian women
Only targets women
Shape of African
American lady
before and after
placement of the women

What is the definition of
beauty according to dove?
o Skin color
o Smooth (ashy)
"Bye-bye black skin, hello
white skin! (Scrub hard!)"

Ad Efficacy
Dont notice the racism
at first glance
Before and after
Stereotypical, African
women seems more
jolly and two women
seem poised

Ways to Make it Better

Order of the three women
More variety of women
Make the picture of the
product bigger

Final Thoughts
There are many opinions about this
advertisement, the placement of the women and
where they are standing under is questionable to
many people. Although some people may say
that it is blown out of proportion, I think the
creator of this ad should have thought of it and
made a better judgment. Unilever is a known
and is a well established brand. The Dove
promotional team had to do some research on
the market they are trying to capture, therefore
someone must have thought of the negative
outcome it can steer. Especially US is a very
opinionated and racial sensitive market.

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