Applied Activities

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Applied Activities #1

The results I took for WUGS

1. wugs
2. gutches
3. spows
4. Kazhes
5. ricks
6. Wuggy wug's
7. Tors
8. Quirk
9. huns
10. Nizzes
I just try imagine what child would come up. #6 I was not sure how a child will comes. It is sort
of fun to take them myself. It was awkward when I was trying to think as a child. My
grandchildren were not available for me to try out on them. I struggled on few of them because I
automatically knew what I am supposed to say.

Applied Activities #2
TASL 501-The Motivation Survey
1. Studying ASL is important to me because it will allow me to be more at ease with Deaf people


CODA Neutral
Hearing Strongly agree
2. Studying ASL can be important to me only because I'll need it for Interpreting career.


CODA Neutral
Hearing Strongly disagree
3. Studying ASL can be important to me because it is something different.


CODA Strongly agree

Hearing Agree
4. Studying ASL can be important to me because it is an "easy A" grade.

Strongly Disagree

CODA Neutral
Hearing Strongly Disagree
5. Studying ASL can be important to me because it will enable me to better understand and
appreciate Deaf art and literature.


CODA Strongly agree

Hearing Strongly agree
6. Studying ASL because it does not require a lot of studying.

Strongly disagree

CODA Disagree
Hearing Strongly disagree
7. Studying ASL can be important to me because I enjoy studying of language and grammar.

Strongly agree

CODA Agree
Hearing Agree
8. Studying ASL can be important to me because it fills my foreign language requirement.

Strongly disagree

CODA Neutral
Hearing Agree

Applied Activities #3A

Part I Qualitative - General observations of learning environment:
Approximate Student age: young learners __ adolescents __ adults __
Student Proficiency Level: elementary __ intermediate __ college __
Course: _________________
Assessment Type: Formal __ Informal __ Both __
Curriculum and Syllabus Implementation: textbook __ extra-curricular materials __ material
from everyday life __ developing materials __

Quantitative Assessment Number of types of feedback from Student and Teacher

Type of Feedback
Explicit Correction: recast or
(error correction)
Recasts: Explicit or Implicit?
the purpose of helping a
student notice his or her

Clarification Requests
(indicates to student
utterance was
misunderstood or incorrect)
(comments, questions, and
feedback about correctness
of utterance without saying
the corrected form.)
(teacher prompt to elicit
correct form to student)



Applied Activities #3A-result

Part I Qualitative - General observations of learning environment:
Approximate Student age: young learners __ adolescents __ adults _X
Student Proficiency Level: elementary __ intermediate __ college _X_
Course: _ASL II________________
Assessment Type: Formal __ Informal _X Both __
Curriculum and Syllabus Implementation: textbook _X_ extra-curricular materials __ material
from everyday life _X_ developing materials __

Quantitative Assessment Number of types of feedback from Student and Teacher

Type of Feedback



Explicit Correction: recast or 5

(error correction)

Recasts: Explicit or Implicit? implicit


the purpose of helping a

student notice his or her

Clarification Requests
(indicates to student
utterance was
misunderstood or incorrect)
(comments, questions, and
feedback about correctness
of utterance without saying
the corrected form.)
(teacher prompt to elicit
correct form to student)



Applied Activity #3B

How long as the instructor been teaching ASL?
The instructor taught 11 years.
Is the instructor Deaf or hearing?
She is hearing but is SODA
What level are the students? K-12 (grade) or postsecondary?
The students are postsecondary.
How many students are in the class?
What textbook is being used?
Signing Natural level 1
What is the layout of the class? Circular/U-Shaped, other?
What technology is in use in the class? PowerPoint? Overheads? Computers?
What is the communication protocol of the instructor? 90%+ no voice?
99% no voice
What is your general idea about the communication style of the instructor?
Communicative approach?
It is my general idea about the communication style of that instructor. She uses a communicative
approach because she focuses on the language, interaction, conversation, and language use.
What was the characteristic of the input and interaction?
Classroom A-page 133
Communication task A: picture description
What type of tasks asked of the students? Be specific!
Practice new vocabulary
Learn the grammar structure
Playing the game/activity along what learn with new vocabulary and structure
Were anxiety levels of the students apparent or was the classroom environment relaxed?
relaxed environment
Why types of student errors were most prevalent?
Parameters They still learn a new language of ASL, so their expressive still are weakened. It
also depends on their learning style. Audio learner typically does error because they depend on
the audio style to understand, but the classroom required voice off, so they struggle with that

What types of feedback were given by the instructor?

Clarification requests Metalinguistic feedback ElicitationHow did the instructor make use of scaffolding?
The instructor will put strong signer with weak signer for the activity and group work.
When asking questions, did the instructor make use of wait time?
Yes, she did wait time to allow the students absorbed the new information.
How might what you observed and reflected upon in this project inform your own teaching
When I observed and reflected upon in this project help me looking at my teaching practices.
Mainly, I would not change much. I probably worked on my wait period for the students to
absorb new information and explains clear what I expects during the activity or work group.

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