LSW Realistic Fiction

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Christina Morris

LSW Realistic Fiction

Question One: How does Jesss character progress throughout the Novel? What influence, if
any, did Leslie have on this progression?

This is an important question because Jess at the beginning of the book was an outsider
with virtually no friends. When Leslie came along things changed and Jess began to look
at life in a different way. The progression of Jess also makes the ending of the book that
much more difficult for the reader. It is clear that Jess really valued Leslies friendship
and in the blink of an eye it was gone. The Jess at the end of the story is a more mature
boy than at the beginning, here students can state their opinion, did Jess mature on his
own or did Leslie really push him into maturity.

Question Two: Explain the differences between Jesss family dynamic and Leslies family
dynamic. How have each of these family dynamics effected the characters.

There are both positives and negatives about both of the families. Jesss Dad is very hard
on him and doesnt support his art work, which alters Jesss confidence. Jesss older
sister also plays a big role because she is just as hard on him as his dad is. Leslies
family is very free spirited and that is reflected through Leslies ability to go out there on
her first day at a new school and run a race against the boys. The fact that these two
family dynamics are so different also helps with the contrast between Jess and Leslie.

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