Ec 703 Dec 2012previous Year Question

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Total No. of Questions :8] [lotcl No. of Printed Pages 3 Roll No. EC - 703 B.E. VI Semester Examination, December 2012 TV and Radar Engineering Time : Three Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 100 Minimum Pass Marks :35, Note ya ») 9 2) a) b) 2 a Attempt any five questions. ‘Assume suitable data if any missing. Explain CW radar principle. How can range ambiguities be over coine in continuous wave radar? an Draw the black diagram ofaltimeter. 6) ‘On what parameters Radar Range equation depends? Explainin Detail a What are the different types oF indicators used in radar systems? a) rv the lock. jagram of MT radarand explain working indetal (6) How problem of blind speed can be minimized in MTT radar? @) [Explain the following terms elated to tracking radar: i) Sequential Lobing ii) Conical Sean ify Monopulse Tracking 6) EC 703 pro 3) a) » 9 4) a) b) 3 5) a) » °) @ EC. 103 a Explain clearly he range detection ofa target using pulsed radar and hence obtain the effect of pulse width and PRI con range detetion © Whats the difference between pulse interval and PRF? ° ‘What are the factors that govems te selestion ofthe PRE fora partcularradar? @ ‘What is meant by ambiguous reception’? @) Why SSB is not used for picture signal transmission in ‘Television? ©) Deduce the relation between the video signal B.W., sean line and scan rate used in television system. 0) raw a cireuit diagram and explain the operation of the horizontal output stage ofa TV receiver. Ol raw the citcuit of a syne separator employing a PNP transistor. ) What do you understand by compatibility in TV receivers? Explain. 4) Explain the principle of operation of Baluns used in the TWreceiver oO n the terms hue and saturation used in colour television 6) ‘What are the various cariers and subcarriers used in colour TV transmission? Indicate their relative position. (5) »r0 By 16) a). Sketch the sectional view of a picture tube that employs: cleetrostatie focusing and electromagnetic defleetion and Tevel all the electrodes, Gy 'b) What isthe function of aquadag coating on the inner side ‘of’picture tube. 8) {©}. Dravthe layout ofa typical television studio and explain how the picture and sound signals are processed in the control room. @ Draw the block diagram of a closed circuit telev system. oO 7) Write short notes on : 20) 8) LCDaisplays ii) High definition television system ill) Digital TV receiver 8), Write short notes on (20) 4) BistaticRadar ji) PALsystem iil) Cable televisions system Bc - 303

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