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Keuka College Instructional Planning Process

Name Kelsey Burbank

Grade level 1st Grade

Date 11/11/13
Subject SS- Thanksgiving

Common Core Standard(s) addressed:
Key Ideas and Details
RL.1.1- ask and answer questions about key details in a text

New York State Learning Standards addressed:

Standard 1: Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas,
eras, themes, and turning, points in the history of the United States and New York
K.I.2.Important ideas, social and cultural values, beliefs, and traditions from New York State and United
States history illustrate the connections and interactions of people and events across time and from a
variety of perspectives
P.I.b. recognize how traditions and practices were passed from one generation to the next
K.I.1. the study of New York and United States history requires an analysis of the development of
American culture, its diversity and multicultural context, and the ways people are unified by many
values, practices, and traditions.
P.I.c. Explain those values, practices, and traditions that unite all Americans.


Unit Goal(s)
Students will be able to list the different activities and traditions from current Thanksgivings.


Lesson Objectives (no more than 3)

Learning Objective
(stated behaviorally)
Students will list and describe the
different activities and traditions
that we have in our current
Thanksgivings on a t-chart


How will objective be assessed?

(Indicate Formative or Summative)
The teacher will observe the
students as they fill out the t-chart
to see if they remember different
activities and traditions from the
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Essential Question(s)
How has Thanksgiving changed over time?
Cross-Curricular Applications
Social Studies, ELA
Learning modalities addressed
Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal
Adaptations for diverse learners

Level of Thinking
(Blooms Taxonomy)

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Name at least THREE types of

Specific Adaptation
learners needing adaptations
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-Chart paper
-The book The Night Before Thanksgiving by Natasha Wing
Vocabulary Thanksgiving, celebration, clatter, traditions
Introduction/ Lesson opening
Hook- The teacher will show the students different pictures that have to do with
Thanksgiving (turkeys, pilgrims, pies etc)
The teacher will ask what Holiday do these pictures represent?
Tapping background knowledge
-The teacher will ask who can tell me what they know about thanksgiving?
-The teacher will say we are going to be filling out part of a t-chart about the different
things that you and the characters in the book The Night Before Thanksgiving do
during Thanksgiving.
Rationale/Statement of Purpose
-It is important that the children learn that people celebrate Thanksgiving in different
Learning/Development of concepts and/or skills
Explanation/ Modeling
- The teacher will begin to read the book The Night Before Thanksgiving by
Natasha Wing
Check for Understanding/ Questions Included above
- Ask questions during the read aloud
Pg. 4- Do you know what Celebration means?
Pg. 5- What are your favorite pies to eat on Thanksgiving?
Pg. 8- Do any of you watch the Thanksgiving parade on TV?
Pg.9- Who has family that comes to your house for dinner?
Pg.16- Who eats ham and turkey for dinner on Thanksgiving?
Pg. 18- Do any of you play games on Thanksgiving?
Pg. 18- What kind of games do you all play?
Pg.21-Who can tell me what a hound is?
Pg.23- Who can tell me what clatter means?
Pg.32- who eats leftovers the day after Thanksgiving?
Guided practice
- The teacher will say Now we are going to fill in part of our t-chart
- The teacher will ask Who can tell me some of the things that the family did in the
- The teacher will say Now we are going to put some things that we do on
Thanksgiving on out t-chart as well
Independent Practice
Closure/ Student summary of learning
- The teacher will ask Who can tell me one thing that they notice about the
different activities that we do on Thanksgiving Day?
- The teacher will say Some of the things that the family does in the story are the
same as some of the things that we do at our own Thanksgiving Dinner

5 minutes

20 minutes

Reflections on Teaching and Learning:

A. How did the lesson go? (Be specific.)
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B. What was the strongest component of the lesson?
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C. What instructional component needs the most refinement? What do you plan to do to improve that area?
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D. How did you know which students accomplished the goals & objectives of the lesson, and which ones did not?
What are you going to do about this?
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E. How did you provide academic feedback to your students?
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F. What insights are you discovering about your teaching?
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G. How did your choices and actions of classroom management support student learning?
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