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Requirements for Busy Bee

Name: _________________________________________

I. I Am Special

I Responsibility

who care for you as Jesus would.

Repeat from memory and accept the Adventurer

Make a booklet or poster showing different people


II. I Can Make Wise Choices

II Reinforcement

feelings game.

Name at least four different feelings. Play the

Obtain the Busy Bee Reading Certificate by reading or

listening to either the Book Club selection from the
ABC or two books from the five topics listed in the
resource manual.

III. I Can Care For My Body

Earn the Health Specialist Adventurer Award
MY FAMILY (Choose at least 1 section)

Complete at least 1 section from each of the

following four groups.

I. I have a Family
Draw or cut out a picture showing something special

MY GOD (Choose at least 1 section)

about each member of your family.

I. His Plan To Save Me

II. Families Care For Each Other

A. Create a story chart showing the order in which

these events took place:

A. Discover what the fifth commandment (Exodus

20:12) tells you about families.
B. Act out 3 ways you can honour your family.

Sin and Sadness begin

III. My Family Helps Me Care for Myself

Jesus cares for us today

Earn the Safety Specialist Adventurer Award.

Jesus comes again


MY WORLD (Choose at least 1 section)

B. Draw a picture or tell about one of the stories

above to show someone how Jesus cares for you.

I. The World of Friends

Tell how you can be a good friend. Use one of the

II. His Message To Me

Earn the Bible I Adventurers Award
III. His Power in My Life

Role playing

A. Spend a regular quiet time with Jesus to talk with

Him and learn about Him.
B. Ask three people why they pray.
MY SELF (Choose at least 1 section)

II. The World of Other People

Tell about the work people do in our church. Find a way
to help them.
III. The World of Nature
Earn the Friends of Animals Adventurer Award.

Class Teacher________________________ Club Director_________________________

District Director________________________ Date Invested_______________________
Original idea from SPD Adventurer resource CD 2004, adapted by Cristiane Smedley, WA, 2013

Busy Bee Awards I Have Earned

Name: ________________

Bible 1 Award
Date completed: _______
Health Specialist Award
Date completed: _______
Safety Specialist Award
Date completed: _______
Friend of Animals Award
Date completed: _______
Date completed: _______
Date completed: _______
Date completed: _______
Date completed: _______

Original idea from SPD Adventurer resource CD 2004, adapted by Cristiane Smedley, WA, 2013

Basic Requirement I

Cut the bees and glue them around the bee hive to make the Adventurers pledge.
Because Jesus loves me I can always do my best.

Original idea from SPD Adventurer resource CD 2004, adapted by Cristiane Smedley, WA, 2014

Basic Requirement I

Original idea from SPD Adventurer resource CD 2004, adapted by Cristiane Smedley, WA, 2014

Busy Bee Book Club

This is to certify that
has completed the required
reading for Busy Bee.

Original idea from SPD Adventurer Resource CD, adapted by Cristiane Smedley, WA, 2013

Safety Specialist Award

Poster Resource Page
Pictures to be used on the Safety Poster

Developed by Cristiane Smedley, WA, 2013

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