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Dabin Han

Richard McDonald
PHYS 1010
5 of Dec 2014

Reflective writing

I enjoyed being in physics class during this semester. We cant appreciate our
surroundings until we understand the rules of nature. Physics is the study of these rules,
which show how everything in nature is connected. So, I could learn the mathematical
structure of physics in frequent equations, and think the way I see the world in physics. When
we began to learn the materials in this class, physics are everywhere such as light, tidal
current, the structure of water etc. I really enjoyed learning how so many things were
discovered through physics and math. I think this class has really helped me to understand the
concepts that how many things in our world are related with physics. I want to study
electrical engineering later. In this class, I learned about an electric current, which is related
with electrical engineering. I think the physics is really important for that study. Therefore,
this class has given me a good background to understand about the principle of the science.
Through this class, I became to think any materials in physical ways whenever I see those. I
think it is so helpful in my life.

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