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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact

NAEYC Standard:
Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs a) identify and conduct themselves as
members of the early childhood profession. They b) know and use ethical guidelines and other
professional standards related to early childhood practice. They c) are continuous, collaborative
learners who demonstrate knowledgeable, reflective and critical perspectives on their work,
making informed decisions that d) integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are e)
informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies.

Brief Description of Evidence:

In ECED 100-60F I had the task of completing blogs every two weeks. In these blogs I observed
children in a first grade classroom and reflected about the children and their behaviors. The
longer I was on the classroom the more I noticed their behaviors towards adults and other
classmates. When reflecting on the things that I had seen, I noticed the classroom as a whole
instead of focusing on one student. I am using my second blog which demonstrates how the
classroom can be affected in different situations.

Analysis of What I Learned:

When observing first graders, I noticed that when one student is out of the classroom, other
students are affected in different ways. When a little boy was out of the classroom, I really
noticed that the other children were behaving in a proper manner. I have learned that children
follow their peers, even at a young age. Children have a bad habit of doing what others do. But
when I noticed a huge change in the classroom as a whole, I could tell that the little boy was the
cause of the classroom being out of hand with their behaviors.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the NAEYC Standard:

This artifact demonstrates my competence on the NAEYC standard by being able to reflect of
these children. The behaviors in the classroom are critical because one child can be a negative
influence on others. I can use this knowledge in my future career by being able to distinguish
behaviors of the classroom. Having a positive environment can make students be more aware of
their education and can make them succeed.

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