Needville Isd Strategic Challenges and Advantages

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Needville ISD Strategic Challenges and Advantages

Strategic Challenges
1. If we do not address the mind-sets of both faculty and parents regarding the
integration of new technology in the classroom, we will not be able to reach our
goals of student achievement.
a. Changing mindsets of faculty who have been around for ages is crucial for

Needville to develop a standard of tech integration campus-wide.

2. We can reduce our expense on technology integration through hiring a qualified

technology coordinator to provide regularly scheduled professional development.
a. This is going to be my push throughout the semester, cost can be sufficiently

reduced (and more staff development can be available) if one person is

assigned to the task.
3. Without considering ways for greater collaboration between faculty and staff, we
will not have a solid foundation for tech integration throughout our school.
a. This reaches into the mindset weakness again, many faculty will be resistant

to the change, and even those who are not may not be willing to share their
ideas with othersthis must change to be successful.

Strategic Advantages
1. We can save on expenses by collaborating and modeling our district technology
integration plan on that of neighboring successful schools.
a. Why not use our connections with neighboring schools in the Region?
Needville is a smaller district (4A) but there are other districts with several
schools which are further developed when considering STaR charts.
2. We can expand on our forward thinking technology team to develop helpful and
engaging sessions to break down barriers of faculty who are resistant to change.
a. The technology team members should allow interested faculty to observe
their methods of integration in order to share ideas.
3. We can increase motivation by awarding faculty with new resources through
completing professional development and training.
a. Instead of giving everyone an iPad, faculty should have to attend
professional development which introduces them to methods of applying the
capabilities of one in the classroom then share their own ideas to EARN one.
This ties into the resources strength.

4. We can reach out for student and parent engagement through boards to provide
helpful insight and additional methods to integrate technology.
a. Similar to working with other schools, it may be beneficial to create a local
board for students who are interested in technology. They say 2 minds are
greater than 1, and a different outlook or experience with technology from
either students or parents may provide helpful hints for the technology team
on campus.

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