Letter Eportfolio

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Dear New Pathway Student

As a new pathway student completing the first semester of college, I would like to address
this letter to future students starting the pathway program. I started off college, not knowing
anything about it. There is a lot of pressure as a new student so the pathway program has been a
great help for me. There are three major parts you should participate in order to remain in the
pathway program. Math jam is an orientation class of mathematics and is classified into section
depending on what math course you placed into after the placement test. It takes place before
during the summer before school starts. It is a great way to start off college because it gives advice
on what to expect in college and you get make new friends. It includes a short session on your
level of math and some social activities. Following math jam is College 1. It is a 3 unit class which
teaches basically about college. It is more than just an academic class; it is the most social class
you would ever take in college. They teach you about metacognition and how it differs from
certain people. Throughout the first semester, there are events mandatory to attend in order to
stay in pathway program. This is one of the three major requirements. Even though it seems like a
lot of work, it is totally worth it.

Throughout the semester we had reading that showed a big significance to us in everyday
life. "We're all plugged in to the big, fat information pipe now. We can contact a massive library.
Information is on tap." In Pathways we learned about gaining information through PCC database.
This line is significant because its shows that nowadays information can be obtained in seconds
using internet or going to the library. They are comparing the information to the tap water and the
tap for the internet. "That information literacy applies to school, the workplace, and one's
personal life". This quote shows that literacy is necessary in daily life. Daily life is all about learning
and literacy plays an important role in the society.

One of the important events in Pathways is the Speaker Series. It is a presentation where a
speaker talks about their personal life and give you advice on very significant things in life. I
attended Maestra Lea Arellanas speech where she spoke about depression and how she was able
to cope with it. College is a lot of stress but she gave us advice on relieving stress.

Working as group is one of the things I enjoyed during college. It helps you build a better
social life and friends. All pathway students will have at least one group project and the most
important one is the Poster Conference.

College 1has 3 major assignment called the ePortfolio where you have to reflect on your
college journey. One before college, one during the midterm and one at the end of the semester.
As I look back to my first reflection on college, my first impression of college is completely
different from what I experienced so far.

As a pathway student, we have access to the Teachers Learning Center (TLC). It is a lab
provided to the pathway students with computers and convenient place to study. They provide
you with tutors of the general course including Math, English, ESL and Statistics. It helped proof
read my English essays before turning it in to the teacher. Any Pasadena City College student has
access to the library databases. It allows you to gather information of articles on any topics. These
articles are scholarly reviewed articles; In other words, they are approved by professional writers
that the article facts are true. Library database has helped me a lot in my English Research Essays.
The most important of all the resources is the educational workshops. These include Study skills,
Time-management and stress management. These workshops have helped me manage my time
effective while studying and working.

My first impression about college is that I thought there will be a lot independency. I
thought studying and homework is something you have to do on your own. I was wrong; there are
plenty of tutors and teachers that are willing to help. Joining the pathway program was the best
choice I made in college.


Freddie Galladande

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