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winter 11


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A shared vision

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NESTL Way of life

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Brazil picks up the beat

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CMA CGM - Tower open

for business

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2011 has brought change and renewed vitality

to CMA CGM. With our tightly-knit international
network and the growing number of calls on our lines,
we have kept pace with the worldwide economic
recovery and given our business a powerful boost.


Today the economic outlook is good, with container

shipping expected to grow about 8%. Against this
promising backdrop, we will continue to take delivery
of our new shipsnine company-owned vessels
are on the way, including six with capacities over
10,000 TEUto offer the best possible service
to our customers around the world.


Une mme vision

L'aventure NESTL

Le Brsil donne le rythme


La Tour CMA CGM ouvre ses portes


Delivering top-quality service continues to be our

priority. Towards that end, we will strengthen our sales
network in the most promising markets, making every
effort to satisfy the expectations of each customer and
meet growing needs in every countryall the while
mindful of the environment.

The outlook has become even brighter with the arrival of a new investor. In choosing Yildirim, an
independent, family-owned group based in Turkey,
CMA CGM has forged an alliance with a first-class
industrial partner. Joining forces with Yildirim
has brought new resources for growth, and we have
changed our system of governance to become even
more efficient. Unanimously appointed by the new
Board of Directors as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, I will rely on three Executive OfficersFarid
Salem, Rodolphe Saad, and Philippe Souli. In the
coming years, innovation, flexibility, responsiveness,
and environmental protection will be our watchwords,
driving our growth and maintaining our position as one
of the worlds leading shipping companies.


Lanne 2011 a commenc pour nous sous le signe

du changement et du dynamisme retrouv. Grce
notre implantation internationale, la densit
de notre rseau et au nombre croissant descales par
nos lignes, nous avons pu accompagner la reprise
de lconomie mondiale et redresser fortement notre
Aujourdhui, les perspectives conomiques sont
positives, avec des prvisions de croissance
du transport conteneuris de lordre de 8%. Dans
ce contexte porteur, nous allons poursuivre notre
programme de rception de navires : neuf nouveaux
navires en proprit sont attendus, dont six de plus
de 10 000 EVP, afin de servir au mieux nos clients
partout dans le monde.
Offrir la meilleure qualit de service restera notre
objectif prioritaire. Pour cela, le Groupe CMA CGM
travaillera renforcer son rseau commercial
sur les marchs les plus porteurs. Nous mettrons
tout en uvre pour rpondre de manire adapte

aux attentes de chacun de nos clients et aux besoins

grandissants de chaque pays, tout en prservant
Ces perspectives sont confortes par lentre dun
nouvel investisseur. CMA CGM a choisi de sallier
avec un partenaire industriel de premier plan, Yildirim,
groupe familial indpendant bas en Turquie. Son
arrive permet de disposer de moyens supplmentaires
pour accompagner notre dveloppement. Nous avons
galement modifi notre systme de gouvernance dans
lobjectif daccrotre encore notre efficacit : nomm
lunanimit Prsident-Directeur Gnral du Groupe
par le nouveau conseil dadministration, je mappuierai
sur trois Directeurs Gnraux dlgus, Farid Salem,
Rodolphe Saad et Philippe Souli. Linnovation,
la flexibilit, la ractivit, le respect de lenvironnement
seront les matres mots du dveloppement
de CMA CGM dans les annes venir, afin que notre
Groupe reste un leader mondial du transport maritime.




Following the finalisation of the
agreement with Yildirim Group which
will sustainably strengthen CMA CGM
Groups equity funds and secure its
investment plan, the Board of Directors
appointed Jacques R. Saad as the
Groups Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer. In order to give CMA CGM
an organisation that allows Jacques
R. Saad to focus on the Groups
development, he will rely on three
Executive Officers: Rodolphe Saad,
Farid T. Salem and Philippe Souli.
CMA CGM Group is once again on a solid
foundation and led by an even stronger
executive team, with the objective of
consolidating its worldwide positions and
growing its business.
Un nouveau conseil d'administration
pour CMA CGM

F 8 = C 4A  78 E 4A  ! 

Suite la finalisation de laccord avec le

Groupe Yildirim qui permet de renforcer
durablement les fonds propres du
Groupe CMA CGM et de scuriser son
plan dinvestissement, le Conseil dadministration a nomm Jacques R. Saad au
poste de Prsident Directeur Gnral du
Groupe. Afin de doter CMA CGM dune
organisation permettant Jacques R.
Saad de se concentrer sur le dveloppement du Groupe, il sappuiera sur trois
Directeurs Gnraux dlgus, Rodolphe
Saad, Farid T. Salem et Philippe Souli.
Le Groupe CMA CGM entame ainsi
lanne 2011 sur des bases solides et
avec une quipe dirigeante renforce,
dans lobjectif de consolider ses positions
mondiales et de dvelopper son activit.


In late 2010, CMA CGM took delivery
of four new vessels, dubbed CMA CGM
At 3,600 TEUs, they are the largest
geared container ships able to call
into West African ports, and they were
custom-designed for CMA CGM
to meet Africas special requirements.
The vessels feature cranes that allow
them to operate independently, and their
wide 37.30-meter beam maximizes their
payload in shallow-draft ports. All four
of the new ships are deployed on
the WAX line linking Asia to West Africa...
Le Groupe CMA CGM dploie les plus
grands porte-conteneurs
en Afrique de lOuest
Le Groupe CMA CGM a pris livraison,
fin 2010, dune srie de 4 navires
de 3 600 evp, les CMA CGM AFRICA
plus grands porte-conteneurs grs
pouvant oprer dans les ports dAfrique
de lOuest. Spcialement conus sur
demande du Groupe CMA CGM pour
sadapter aux spcificits
des ports africains, ces porteconteneurs peuvent, grce leurs grues,
raliser en autonomie leurs oprations
commerciales. De plus, leur grande
largeur (37,30 m) permet de maximiser
lemport des marchandises
dans des ports faible tirant deau.
Les 4 navires sont dploys sur la ligne
WAX, reliant lAsie lAfrique de lOuest.


Ever a pioneer in eco-friendly container
technology, CMA CGM recently began
the worlds first test of new green
containers made with Eko-Flor,
a wood-free composite flooring. The new
containers deliver a triple benefit
by simultaneously reducing wood
consumption, improving technical
performance and cutting maintenance
costs. This latest experiment reflects
the Groups commitment to finding
solutions that conserve energy
and protect the environment. CMA CGM
currently owns more than 130,000
eco-friendly containers.
CMA CGM teste
de nouveaux conteneurs cologiques
Toujours pionnier dans le dveloppement
d'eco-conteneurs, le Groupe CMA CGM
vient de lancer en premire mondiale
un test sur de nouveaux conteneurs
cologiques fabriqus avec un plancher
en matire composite ne contenant
pas de bois, lEko-Flor. Ces conteneurs
rpondent un double objectif : rduire
lusage de bois tout en amliorant
les qualits techniques des conteneurs
et en rduisant leur cot d'entretien. Une
nouvelle exprience qui traduit la volont
du Groupe CMA CGM didentifier
les solutions en termes
de consommation nergtique et de
respect de lenvironnement.
A ce jour, le Groupe CMA CGM possde
plus de 130 000 eco-conteneurs.


In line with their port terminal investment
strategy, PortSynergy shareholders
CMA CGM and DP World took delivery of
the first two gantry cranes for Terminal
de Mditerrane in late December.
The new cranes will serve the future FOS
2XL container terminal, which will feature
a 600-meter dock and state-of-the-art
equipment. The project will improve
the ports positioning for container traffic in
the Mediterranean and is expected
to begin commercial operations in March
2011. CMA CGM is Fos number-one
customer, with three weekly services
to Asia and North America.
CMA CGM rceptionne les 2 premiers
portiques de FOS 2XL
Dans le cadre de leur politique
dinvestissement dans les terminaux
portuaires, CMA CGM et DP World,
actionnaires de PortSynergy
(50% CMA CGM / 50 % DP World),
ont rceptionn fin dcembre
les 2 premiers portiques du Terminal
de Mditerrane destins au futur
terminal conteneurs de FOS 2XL.
Ce terminal qui disposera dun quai de
600m et de tout le matriel de dernire
gnration, ouvrira en mars 2011.
Il a pour objectif d'accrotre la position
du port dans les trafics conteneuriss
en Mditerrane. CMA CGM
est le premier client de FOS avec
3 services hebdomadaires destination
de lAsie et de lAmrique du Nord.
























On November 25, 2010, CMA CGM announced that shareholders had reached an agreement
with Yildirim, a family-owned industrial concern based in Turkey. The deal was a historic first
for CMA CGM, which has never before opened its capital to investors. Meet the new partner that
will spur the Groups growth.
/25 novembre 2010, Marseille. Le Groupe CMA CGM vient dannoncer la finalisation dun accord
entre les actionnaires de CMA CGM et le groupe industriel familial turc Yildirim. Un vnement
historique pour CMA CGM qui pour la premire fois ouvre son capital un investisseur. Prsentation
de ce nouveau partenaire qui va permettre au Groupe dacclrer son dveloppement.

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It began in 2008, when the world economy bottomed out.

Hit hard by the crisis like the rest of the shipping industry,
CMA CGM opened talks with banks to renegotiate
financing. At the same time, the Group launched a broad
cost-cutting effort, set up a rate restoration program and
negotiated a new vessel delivery schedule with shipyards.
The bold moves paid off, and by autumn 2009 CMA CGM
was already starting to bounce back from the crisis.
Several investors expressed interest, but the Group chose
to take its time. Were condent that we will quickly reach
an agreement with one or more partners who share our
ambitions for the Group, can contribute expertise, and
will benet from CMA CGMs knowledge of the shipping
industry, said Jacques R. Saad, Chairman of the Groups
Board of Directors, in sketching the profile of the ideal
investor. Throughout the negotiations, the media relayed
rumors of possible candidates, but when the official
announcement came in November, CMA CGM had
chosen the Yildirim Group.


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/Tout commence en 2008, alors que lconomie mondiale

est au plus bas. Le Groupe CMA CGM, fortement touch
par la crise comme lensemble des autres acteurs
du secteur maritime, entame des discussions
avec les banques afin de rengocier ses financements.
En parallle, le Groupe lance un vaste plan dconomies,
met en place une politique de restauration des taux
de fret et amnage avec les chantiers navals son
programme de livraisons de navires. Des actions qui
portent rapidement leurs fruits et ds lautomne 2009,
CMA CGM enregistre les premiers signes de redressement.
Plusieurs investisseurs manifestent alors leur
intrt mais le Groupe souhaite prendre son temps.
Nous avons bon espoir de nous entendre rapidement,
avec un ou des partenaires qui partagent la mme ambition
pour le Groupe, apportent leur expertise, et auxquels
CMA CGM apporterait sa connaissance du monde
maritime , explique alors Jacques R. Saad, Prsident
du Conseil dAdministration du Groupe CMA CGM,
en dressant le portrait robot de linvestisseur recherch.
Tout au long des ngociations, les mdias se font lcho
plusieurs reprises de candidats possibles, mais
lannonce officielle arrive finalement fin novembre : le choix
se porte sur le Groupe Yildirim.


First-class partner

/Un partenaire de premier plan

Founded by Garip Yildirim in Turkey nearly 50 years ago,

the family-owned concern is now managed by his three
sons, with Ali Riza Yildirim serving as President, Robert
Yksel Yildirim as Chief Executive Officer and Mehmet
Yildirim as Vice-President. Though the Turkish group
began as a construction materials supplier, it is now
an international corporation with interests in multiple
sectors. These include worldwide trading in commodities
such as coal, ferrochrome and chrome ore; fertilizers
and chemicals; and shipping, shipbuilding, and port
operations. Yildirims hallmark is its expertise, which
has long been recognized in Turkey and has expanded
internationally over the years. Yildirim works to improve
the performance of its customers through superior service,
innovation and unquestioned excellence in its processes
and organization. In 2009, the group, which has more than
5,000 employees, posted sales of US $1.5 billion.

Le groupe familial turc, fond par Garip Yildirim, est

aujourdhui dirig par ses trois fils, Ali Riza (Prsident),
Robert Yksel (Directeur Gnral) et Mehmet Yildirim
(Vice-Prsident). Cr il y a prs de 50 ans, Yildirim, qui
a dmarr en vendant des matriaux de construction,
est aujourdhui une entreprise internationale, prsente
notamment dans le commerce mondial de matires
premires (chrome, ferrochrome, charbon) et dengrais,
dans lindustrie chimique ainsi que dans le transport
maritime, la construction navale et les activits portuaires.
Groupe multisectoriel, Yildirim se dmarque aujourdhui
par des expertises reconnues en Turquie quil a su au fil
des ans exporter dans le monde entier. Le groupe cherche
ainsi dvelopper les performances des entreprises quil
accompagne, au travers dun service de grande qualit,
dinnovations et dune excellence reconnue pour les
procdures et lorganisation. En 2009, le groupe, qui
emploie plus de 5000 salaris, affichait un chiffre daffaires
de 1,5 milliard de dollars US.


2< 026<0 =3H8;38A8<

From left to right: Rodolphe SAAD, Executive Ofcer CMA CGM Group, Jacques R. SAAD, Chairman and Chief Executive Ofcer CMA CGM Group,
Robert Yksel Yildirim, President and CEO of Yildirim Holding AS

Yildirims values, positioning and international recognition

make it a highly desirable investor for CMA CGM Group.
Both companies are family-owned groups that have been
in existence for several decades, says CMA CGM Group
Executive Officer Rodolphe Saad, who saw this similarity
as important in the final decision. A partner that you want
to stay with for the long haul doesnt walk through the door
every day. You need to share the same values. You need
to understand how they work before you can join forces.
Its like a marriage: you need to go through several steps
to be sure that youve found the right person.
For Yildirim, investing in CMA CGM is a strategic choice.
We believe in the future of container shipping, and we
felt that forming an alliance with the worldwide industrys
third-largest company was a very attractive opportunity.,
explains Robert Yksel Yildirim, President and CEO
of Yildirim Holding AS. Weve been signing business
agreements with CMA CGM for over ten years now, so
we know the Group well and are condent that it has the
potential to grow. The CMA CGM deal is the Turkish
groups second investment in Europe, after its 2008
acquisition of Vargn Alloys AB, a Swedish ferrochrome

F 8 = C 4A  78 E 4A  ! 

/Ses valeurs, son positionnement et sa reconnaissance

internationale en font donc aujourdhui un investisseur
privilgi pour le Groupe CMA CGM.
Nous sommes tous deux des groupes familiaux possdant
plusieurs dcennies dexistence , prcise Rodolphe Saad,
Directeur Gnral Dlgu du Groupe CMA CGM, pour qui
cette similitude a compt dans le choix final. Un partenaire
avec lequel vous avez envie de passer une longue priode
ne se trouve pas au coin dune rue. Vous avez besoin
de partager les mmes valeurs. Besoin de comprendre
comment il fonctionne, avant de pouvoir vous associer.
Comme pour un mariage, plusieurs tapes sont ncessaires
avant dtre sr davoir trouv la bonne personne..
Mme satisfaction du ct de Yildirim : Nous croyons en
lavenir du transport maritime en conteneurs et nous avons
considr que nous allier avec le numro 3 mondial de
ce secteur constituait une opportunit trs intressante ,
explique Robert Yksel Yildirim, Prsident et CEO de Yildirim
Holding AS. Nous connaissons bien CMA CGM avec qui
nous avons dj pass des accords commerciaux depuis
plus de dix ans et nous sommes conants dans son potentiel
de dveloppementt . Investir dans le numro trois mondial
du secteur reprsente pour Yildirim un choix stratgique
mais aussi un vritable challenge pour leur second
investissement en Europe aprs lacquisition en 2008
de Vargn Alloys AB, entreprise sudoise de production
de ferrochrome.


The two groups, which have been acquainted for about

ten years, share the same values and ambitions: both have
grown by following the tradition of the world's biggest
names in industry and commerce, relying on commitment
and excellence to generate long-term sustainable growth.
Were very happy with this new partnership. Its
our second investment in Europe and our biggest,
and it marks a new chapter for the Yildirim Group. Well
share our experience and our knowledge of the market
with CMA CGM, because above all we want to be an
industrial partner, not just a nancial partner, confirms
Robert Yksel Yildirm.

Les deux groupes, qui

u se connaissent depuis une dizaine
dannes, partagent les mmes valeurs et ambitions : inscrire
leur dveloppement dans la ligne des plus grands acteurs
du commerce mondial et de lindustrie en sappuyant sur
des principes dengagement et dexcellence, pour gnrer,
sur le long terme, une croissance durable.
Nous sommes trs satisfaits de ce nouveau partenariat
qui reprsente un nouveau chapitre pour le Groupe Yildirim.
Nous partagerons avec CMA CGM notre connaissance du
march et notre exprience car nous souhaitons tre avant
tout un partenaire industriel, plus qu'un partenaire nancier. ,
confirme Robert Yksel Yildirim.

US $500 million investment

/Un apport de 500 millions de dollars

Yildirim has undertaken to invest US $500 million

in CMA CGM in the form of five-year convertible bonds
that will give Yildirim access to 20% of CMA CGMs share
capital at maturity.

Le Groupe Yildirim sest engag investir dans CMA CGM

un montant de 500 millions de dollars. Un investissement qui
prend la forme dune mission dObligations Remboursables
en Actions (ORA) dune dure de 5 ans, ayant vocation
maturit de permettre la dtention de 20% du capital.

Yi l d i r i m w i l l a l s o h a v e t h re e o f t h e t e n s e a t s
on CMA CGMs Board of Directors. The Saad family,
historically the Groups sole shareholder, thus continues
to control CMA CGMs capital and a majority of seats
on the Board.
The agreement will enable CMA CGM to shore up its
equity for the long term and to continue methodically
investing in new vessels in an economic climate that has
bounced back strongly over the past 12 months. From
the operational standpoint, 2010 was an exceptional year,
especially compared to 2009, notes Rodolphe Saad.
Our results for this year are historic. Markets have turned
around signicantly, especially for Asia-to-Europe routes.
With some 60 ofces in China, CMA CGM has a sizeable
presence there, so we have beneted from the very strong
growth in volumes. Volumes are also up on markets in
North America, South America and Africa.
In 2010, CMA CGM posted estimated sales of $US 14.3
billion, a 36% increase over 2009, and shipping volumes
were up nearly 15%.
Projections for 2011 are positive as well, adds Rodolphe
Saad. Growth wont be as strong as in 2010, but it will
be enough for us to keep expanding.
With a new partner, outstanding results, and some 30 new
vessels to be delivered by 2014, CMA CGM can look to
the future with confidence and ambition.

Yildirim disposera de trois reprsentants sur un total de dix

au sein du conseil dadministration du Groupe. Lactionnaire
historique, la famille Saad, reste donc dtentrice du capital
et majoritaire au conseil.
Cet accord permet au Groupe CMA CGM de renforcer
durablement ses fonds propres et de poursuivre sereinement
son plan dinvestissement en navires dans un contexte
conomique o lactivit a connu un fort rebond au cours
des douze derniers mois. Ce que confirme Rodolphe Saad :
Au niveau de lactivit elle-mme, 2010 a t une anne
exceptionnelle, surtout si on la compare lanne 2009. Nos
rsultats pour cette anne sont historiques. Les marchs
se sont signicativement redresss, notamment au dpart
de lAsie sur lEurope. CMA CGM est trs prsente en Chine
avec une soixantaine de bureaux. Cette prsence importante
nous a permis de bncier de la trs forte croissance des
volumes. Une croissance qui se manifeste galement sur les
marchs nord-amricain, sud amricain et africain .
De fait, en 2010, le Groupe a enregistr un chiffre daffaires
estim 14.3 milliards USD en progression de 36% par
rapport 2009 et les volumes transports sont en hausse
de prs de 15%.
Les prvisions pour 2011 sont galement positives ,
continue Rodolphe Saad. La croissance sera moins
leve quen 2010, mais elle nous permettra cependant de
continuer notre dveloppement .
Un nouveau partenaire, dexcellents rsultats conomiques,
une trentaine de nouveaux navires lhorizon 2014,
CMA CGM voit lavenir avec ambition et confiance



Every day, a billion people around the world

enjoy Nestl productssometimes even without
knowing it. Founded in 1866 by Swiss pharmacist
Henri Nestl, what began as a small infant
nutrition products company is now a worldwide
leader in the food industry. With brands that cover
every corner of the planet, Nestl feeds the world.

Did Henri Nestl know that he would change the world?

In 1866, when the German-born pharmacist launched his
small business in Vevey, Switzerland, his ambition was
modest: to make farine lactea nutritious wheat- and
milk-based infant formulafor babies whose mothers
were unable to nurse.
As his product became increasingly successful and
consumers began to see it as a supplement that gave
babies the nutrition they needed, Henri Nestl moved
into large-scale production. By 1868just two years
after its inventionhis innovative product had grown
out of Switzerland, where its main markets were Vevey
and Lausanne, and expanded into Germany, France and

F 8 = C 4A  78 E 4A  ! 

By late 1869, Henri Nestls small factory was producing

500 kilograms of farine lacte a day, and the company
employed some 30 workers. Though the Franco-Prussian
war of 1870 disrupted the business briefly, it quickly
regained momentum.
Now Nestls product was leaping across continents,
conquering territory in North America, Mexico, Argentina,
the Dutch East Indies, Russia, and Scandinavia. By 1874,
the company was producing 500,000 cans of farine lacte
annually. Its meteoric rise soon outstripped Henri Nestls
abilities, and in 1875 he sold the company.
Under the name Farine Lacte Henri Nestl, the business
continued to grow without its founder, and new equipment
expanded the firms production structure to 4,000 cans
of farine lacte a day.





From milk to chocolate to coffee

In 1878, the company faced new competition from
another Swiss company specializing in canned milk
the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. When its
rival began to produce farine lacte, Nestl responded
by adding condensed milk to its product line, and once
again it was successful. Production capacity continued
to expand, especially in Norway, England, Spain, and the
United States, and by 1905 Nestl had nine production
centers. But the constant battle against Anglo-Swiss
demanded bold action, and that same year Nestl merged
with its competitor, forming the Nestl and Anglo-Swiss
Condensed Milk Company.
In the years that followed, the company added chocolate,
butter, canned cheese and other new products to its core
business. And in 1938, Nestl began selling instant coffee
under the well-known Nescaf brand.
From then on, Nestl would never stop growing and
diversifying. Committed to meeting demand for every kind
of nutritional need in every product category, the group
began buying a wide range of specialized food companies
and offering innovative new products such as its nowfamous Nespresso coffee, which launched in 1986.
Today Nestl boasts dozens of brands, from luxury goods
to mass market products. Its impressive portfolio features
Gerber baby food products; Perrier and San Pellegrino
mineral waters; Nesquik and Chocapic cereals; Crunch
and Kit Kat chocolate bars; Nescaf and Nespresso coffee
products; prepared foods and soups under the Buitoni,
Herta and Maggi labels; Power Bar dietary supplements
for athletes; La Laitire dairy products; Hagen-Dazs ice
cream; and pet foods from Friskies, Felix, Purina, and Pro
Planto name just a few.
With 280,000 employees in 120 countries and a billion
consumers enjoying its products every day around the
world, Nestl is a leader in nutrition, health and well-being.
And its no exaggeration for the groups advertising to say
that Nestl has a product for every time of day and every
stage of life.
Meanwhile, financial analysts have celebrated the groups
organic growth, which has averaged 6% annually for the
past decade.

What are the Nestl Groups main strengths?
Nestl is the world leader for food and beverages. Our
primary goal is to improve quality of life for consumers
every day, everywhere around the world, by offering foods
and beverages that are both tastier and healthier, and to
promote healthy lifestyles. We express this philosophy in
our slogan Good Food, Good Life.

What special shipping needs does Nestl have?

Nestl is proud to be seen as a truly global company this
means you can find Nestl products of different types in
every corner of the world. Being such a global company
and moving so much product and raw materials around
the world we can say that Nestl uses every mode of
As a food manufacturing company, reliability is key.
Production delays in our factories are extremely costly,
so we give business to carriers we can trust. The same
can be said for finished goods losing shelf space in the
supermarket. We focus on freshness by optimising the
supply chain to ensure lean inventories so that the Nestl
product you eat is the freshest it could possibly be.

How would you describe your partnership

with CMA CGM?
Weve been partners for many years. Nestl is surely one
of CMA CGMs oldest clients. We have a good relationship
with CMA CGM that we view as a quality Ocean carrier
who takes our business seriously. CMA CGM is a key
provider of shipping services to Nestl moving both our
finished goods and raw materials all around the world.

It would surely surprise Henri Nestl to learn that the tiny

Swiss company he founded in 1866 has become a global
gianta giant whose lasting partnership with CMA CGM
ensures that its products are sold on every continent.

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After four years of construction, the spectacular CMA CGM
Tower is complete, and Group employees have moved into
their new quarters.
Entam fin 2006, le chantier de construction de la spectaculaire
Tour CMA CGM sest achev et les quipes ont pu sinstaller
dans le nouveau sige du Groupe.
Marseille has a new landmark: whether you
approach the city by sea or by land,
the 147-meter CMA CGM Tower is the first
thing you see. And as of January, the futuristic
structure is not only a triumph of architecture
and technology but also the headquarters
of the worlds third-largest container shipping

/Elle se voit de loin ! Que lon arrive Marseille

par la mer ou ct terre, cest bien la Tour
CMA CGM que lon aperoit en premier.
Depuis quelques semaines, cette construction
futuriste haute de 147 m nest plus seulement
un dfi architectural et technologique, mais tout
simplement le sige oprationnel du numro
3 mondial du transport maritime en conteneurs.

Initiated by Jacques R. Saad, the impressive

33-floor building was designed to gather all
of the Groups Marseille-based employees
formerly scattered across five different
locations under one roof.

N de la volont de Jacques R. Saad,

cet impressionnant building de 33 tages a t
conu pour regrouper lensemble des collaborateurs marseillais du Groupe qui, jusqualors,
taient rpartis sur cinq sites diffrents.

Designed by renowned architect Zaha Hadid,

the new Tower can accommodate 2,700 people.
A few more statistics 64,000 square meters
of floor space, 20 elevators, an 800-seat
corporate dining room and five levels of parking
capture the sheer size of the structure,
which took four years to build.

Une capacit totale daccueil de 2700 personnes,

64 000 m2 de surface, 20 ascenseurs,
un restaurant dentreprise de 800 places, cinq
niveaux de parking Tous ces chiffres traduisent
les dimensions de cette tour dessine par la clbre
architecte Zaha Hadid et qui aura ncessit quatre
ans de construction.

Symbol of the Groups vitality and flagship

of Marseilles Euromditerrane urban renewal
project, the Tower sets a new standard for green
technology. A chilled-beam air conditioning
system combines efficiency and energy
conservation, and all of the buildings facilities
are geared around reduced consumption. Other
environmentally friendly features include
optimized natural lighting and a double-skin

Symbole du dynamisme conomique du Groupe

et figure de proue du projet Euromditerrane,
la Tour CMA CGM se veut exemplaire en terme
de respect de lenvironnement : climatisation
par poutres froides alliant efficacit et conomie
dnergie, optimisation de lclairage naturel,
faade en verre double peau, ensemble
dquipements basse consommation

As employees were moving into their new

space, CMA CGM launched a new Tower
Web site, showcasing each stage of design
and construction for a worldwide audience.
With its unexpected views of the new building and
the Marseille cityscape, the new site is as stylish
and innovative as the Tower itself. Take your own
tour at

Alors que lemmnagement des quipes dans

leurs nouveaux locaux sorganisait, CMA CGM
a mis en ligne un site Inter net consacr
la Tour afin de permettre tous les internautes
de la dcouvrir durant chaque tape de sa
conception et de sa construction. Comme
la Tour elle-mme, ce site artistique et innovant
( offre des points de vue
indits sur le btiment et la ville de Marseille toute
entire. votre tour de voir la Tour

g CM
In 2010, the CMA CGM Group was again on the receiving end of numerous prizes, awarded mainly by its customers but
also by the press, in recognition of the quality of its services worldwide: Best Carrier of the Year for CMA CGM Indonesia
by Sinarmas, Best Shipping Lines awarded to CMA CGM Chile by CMPC Cellusola and Best Carrier Award presented to
the Group as a whole by Sony. Asad, Walmarts subsidiary, also presented the Group with three prizes: Best Carrier, Best
International Carrier and Outstanding Customer Service.
The press also paid tribute to the Group which picked up three prizes at the Lloyd's List Annual Shipping & Maritime Industry
awards: two for ANL, a CMA CGM Group subsidiary for the quality of its shipping services and the New Generation prize
awarded to promising young talent in the maritime sector. Lastly CMA CGM America received a Hampton Roads Corporate
Volunteer Excellence Award 2010 presented in partnership with Virginia Business magazine.

/CMA CGM plusieurs fois rcompens

e CM
M Co
ate Fo
on awarrds its 2010
0 priize to
e So
ourire la Vie as
For many years the CMA CGM Corporate Foundation has shown its willingness to be involved in activities
of general interest or use to the public in the humanitarian and cultural domains. It was with this in mind that
in 2007 it created a Foundation Prize to honour an outstanding personality involved in a humanitarian project
or arts activity, and to help them continue their mission or project.The CMA CGM Corporate Foundation prize for
2010 was awarded to Sourire la Vie, an association which supports children who are being treated for cancer in
the Timone Hospital in Marseille by offering them sports and arts activities.
/La Fondation dEntreprise CMA CGM dcerne son prix 2010 lassociation Sourire la Vie
Depuis de nombreuses annes, la Fondation dEntreprise CMA CGM a marqu sa volont de sinscrire
dans des actions dintrt gnral ou dutilit publique dans les domaines humanitaire et culturel.
Cest dans cet esprit que le Prix de la Fondation a t cr en 2007, afin dhonorer une personnalit implique
dans le domaine de lhumanitaire ou dans la cration artistique et de laider poursuivre sa mission ou son uvre.
Le Prix de la Fondation dentreprise CMA CGM 2010 a t dcern lAssociation Sourire la Vie, par Madame Nala
Saad, Prsidente de la Fondation. Sourire la Vie a pour mission daccompagner les enfants malades du cancer
hospitaliss, en leur proposant des activits sportives et artistiques.

CMA CGM signs

s Hon
ng Kong env
mental cha
other members of the Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association, CMA CGM has signed a charter
that encourages all vessels to use low-sulfur fuel exclusively when calling in Hong Kong. As of January
1, 2011, CMA CGM has committed to replacing its current fuel, which averages 2.7% sulfur, with an
optimum-quality fuel containing no more than 0.5 % sulfur. The initiative will cut emissions of SOx by
95%, NOx by 9% and fine particulates by 86%, improving air quality in the port of Hong Kong, the
worlds third-largest for container traffic.
/CMA CGM sengage pour lenvironnement
En tant que membre de la Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association, CMA CGM a sign une charte
portant sur lutilisation du fuel faible teneur en soufre comme seul carburant pour tous ses navires
escalant Hong Kong. CMA CGM sest ainsi engag depuis le 1er janvier 2011, utiliser un combustible de qualit optimale dont la teneur en soufre est de 0.5 % maximum (le fuel utilis actuellement
en contient en moyenne 2.7 %). Une initiative qui va permettre de rduire les missions de SOx de 95
%, de NOx de 9% et de particules fines de 86% et ainsi amliorer la qualit de lair du port de Hong
Kong, troisime port mondial en trafic conteneuris

En 2010, le Groupe CMA CGM a une fois de plus reu de nombreux prix remis par ses clients mais aussi par la presse, mettant
lhonneur la qualit de ses services dans le monde entier : Meilleur transporteur de lanne pour CMA CGM Indonsie
par Sinarmas, Meilleurs services maritimes pour CMA CGM Chili par CMPC Cellusola, et prix du Meilleur transporteur
de lanne remis lensemble du Groupe par Sony. Asda, filiale du gant Walmart, a galement lu le Groupe Transporteur
de lanne , Transporteur International de lanne et Meilleur service Client .
Du ct de la presse, le Groupe CMA CGM a t distingu 2 fois lors des Lloyd's List Annual Shipping & Maritime Industry
awards : deux prix reus par ANL, filiale du Groupe CMA CGM pour la qualit de ses services maritimes et le prix New
Generation dsignant les jeunes talents du secteur maritime. CMA CGM America enfin a reu le Prix dexcellence 2010
de lassociation Volunteer Hampton Roads et du magazine Virginia Business pour ses actions de bnvolat.

phe Saad
eets Grou
up custtom
in the Frenc
ch West In
Rodolphe Saad, Executive Officer of the Group and Chairman of CMA CGM Antilles-Guyane was in the
West Indies mid-January to meet CMA CGMs main customers in Martinique and Guadeloupe, a reminder
of just how important these overseas French dpartements are for the Group. Present in the French West
Indies since 1856, the Group also wanted to confirm its desire to strengthen its presence in Martinique
and Guadeloupe. Developing the infrastructure of key ports, the search for new synergies to meet the
needs of French West Indies importers, preparing for the widening of the Panama Canal there are many
projects the CMA CGM Group plans to develop in the coming months and years.
/Rodolphe Saad rencontre les clients du Groupe aux Antilles
Rodolphe Saad, Directeur Gnral du Groupe et Prsident de CMA CGM Antilles-Guyane, sest rendu
mi-janvier aux Antilles pour rencontrer les principaux clients de CMA CGM en Martinique et en Guadeloupe
et rappeler limportance de ces dpartements dOutre Mer pour le Groupe. Historiquement prsent aux
Antilles depuis 1856, le Groupe souhaitait galement confirmer sa volont de renforcer sa prsence
en Martinique et en Guadeloupe. Dveloppement des infrastructures portuaires, recherches de nouvelles
synergies pour rpondre la demande des importateurs antillais, prparation en vue de llargissement
du Canal de Panama Autant de projets que le Groupe CMA CGM a prvu de dvelopper dans les mois
et les annes venir.

A new Head
d Of
ce fo
or CMA CGM and
n Le
A the end of December, the new Head Office of CMA CGM and Merit in Beirut, Lebanon, was
officially opened by Jacques R. Saad, CMA CGM Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
The new building accommodates the 120 staff of CMA CGM Lebanon, Merit Shipping,
Merit Corporation, LTI/IFF, ARB and DOS. The CMA CGM Group has been present continuously in
Lebanon for over 25 years offering a wide range of services to destinations all over the world.
/Un nouveau sige social pour CMA CGM et MERIT au Liban
Fin dcembre, le nouveau Sige de CMA CGM et Merit Beyrouth au Liban a t inaugur par Jacques R.
Saad, Prsident Directeur Gnral du Groupe CMA CGM. Ce nouveau btiment accueille les 120 collaborateurs de CMA CGM Liban, Merit Shipping, Merit Corporation, LTI/IFF, ARB et DOS. Le Groupe CMA CGM
propose un service continu au Liban depuis plus de 25 ans avec une large gamme de services
destination du monde entier.

Editorial and publication director : Tanya Saad Zeenny Editorial manager : Eve Leporq Graphic design : CMA CGM STUDIO David Darmon, Damien Boulanger, Bastien Rgis,
Sarah Achor Coordination: Marianne Benoit Printing and distribution supervision : Christine Nunes, Benoit Tournebize, Sophie Carbonneil Contributors : Marc Bourdon, Laurent
Falguire, Alexandre Gallo, Pierre Hauterat, Elie Zeenny Editing : Herv Gallet ( Ghost ) Photo credits : CMA CGM, Philip Plisson, Thierry Dosogne, Shutterstock, Nestl, Melmif
photography, Exmagina, Franois Lefebvre Number of issues : 18,000 Quarterly ISN : 1287-8863
Printed on paper manufactured using a minimum of 60 % recycled fibre and 40 % virgin pulp from certified sources.



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