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Dream Jobs

A) Read the text and then answer the questions

My name is Billy B and I am a DJ. I play in various clubs. I have a
very organized manager, and she finds a lot of work for me. I
play about fifteen nights a month, and five of those are usually
abroad. This month Ive been to Amsterdam and London.
The best part of my job is knowing a lot of creative people but
sometimes people annoy me because they say that DJ is an
easy job. But its very competitive, and you have to be reliable.
I know that Im lucky and I learn a lot of money, but I work hard.
If you want to be a DJ listen to the experts on the radio and at
clubs. Make a demo tape of your best mixes and send it to
some clubs and radio stations. Try to get a job with a small
radio station, buy some equipment and start organizing your
own gigs.

1. What does Billy think about his job?

2. Does Billy make a lot of money?
3. Where has he been on this month?
4. Does he have any career tips? What are they?
B) Now complete the text with simple past or present perfect.

My name is Cibele Alvarenga and I am a professional

snowboarder. I teach snowboarding, and I
__________________________(also- do) photographic sessions for
sports magazines. Snowboarding ___________________(become)
really popular and Im usually very busy. I
____________________(also-be) in a lot of competitions recently. I
________________(own) one or two.
The best part of my job is working outdoors in the fresh air. I
really love it. Im only twenty, but I ___________________(be) to
some of the most beautiful places in the world.
Im very competitive and I __________________(have) a few
accidents! This year I __________________(have) two operations
on my knee. Some places are scarier than others. I
_______________________(be) in the Rockies last year, but
I_______________(be) a bit worried about avalanches.
If you want to be a professional you have to practice and

C) Do you have a dream job? What is it? Imagine you have got the success
in your career. Write a paragraph following the model from exercises A
and B.

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