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Weep and Howl

Memory Text: For where your
treasure is, there will your heart
be also (Matthew 6:21).
The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Superintendent: Kathy Rayner

Praise & WorshipChris, Edwin, Juliana, Michael,
Nadia, Teresa
Hymn of Praise.......How Great Thou Art.....#86
Intercessory Prayer .................... Bisi Olawoore, Bob
Reeve, Alonso Lopez, Joe Beckles
Oklahoma Conference, Revival & Transformation, Unity&
The community we serve
Next Week:
Southwest Region, Love for the disenfranchised, Hospitality to the
need; Families: Taylor, Teague, Thompson, Thuillard, Todd, Topper,
Trotman & Van Leeuwen

Childrens Story...............................................Anniekay Allen

(Next Week Childrens Story Barbra Kasule)

Offering.Church Budget............Eugene Bernardo

Special Music..Immanuel
Scripture.....John 13:34-35.........Don Topper,
Grazyny Nowak, Ashi Pandaleke
Special Music....Virginia Polihronova

Pastor Frank Dell Erba

Koinonia Miracle
Hymn of Consecration...On Jordans Stormy Banks.#620
Benediction.......Elder Clara Baptiste
Sunset Today: 4:53 p.m. Next week: 4:51 p.m.

1. The new church plant is meeting at
the Mount Zion United Church,
located at 471 Ridgewood Cres,
off Berkshire, near Springbank &
Wonderland intersection. We
request your prayers as the new
group of pioneers organizes a centre of worship in
the West London area

Community Bible resumes

TONIGHT at 5 pm with Leif Luscombe
presenting on Trinity. It will be a
second part on this subject with more
follow ups ahead. Please look at the
schedule in the foyer for more details,
and to make your suggestions. We welcome your
questions and suggestion of topics for study.

3. Pathfinders Club meeting tomorrow,

Sunday, December 7th at 10 am.
4. Inviting ALL to an hour of prayer, Bible
Study and testimonies on Wednesday
night at 7 pm. Come and be blessed!
5. Student scholarships are
available! Our annual Budget
allocation provides a stipend for postsecondary students (College,
University) who are members of this
church family. Please pick up an application and submit
it to pastor or any of church elders. You can request by
email to for an electronic
version of application. Deadline for applications is
December 13, 2014. Parents, friends, please inform
students who may be abroad.
6. Sponsors for Needy Families: We have received
many requests for assistance to families in need this
Christmas. If you are able to sponsor a family, please
contact Teresa Ferreira.

7. Devotionals for all ages will be available

for sale during the Market Extravaganza,
December 13, right after the ACES School
Christmas musical. You could prepare your
Christmas gifts in advance.
8. Lords Supper will be celebrated
December 13. Prepare and search your
hearts as we come to share our
testimonies of Gods miracles and affirm one
another in faith.
9. Church Board meeting will take
place Sunday morning, December
14 at 9 am. Please submit your
agenda items to pastor or church clerk, Larris Biggs

10. Monthly Open House Community
Service Wednesday, December 10th,
from 4 to 7 pm. Setting up is done on
Tuesday evening starting at 5 pm.
Volunteers are needed for both dates.
Please speak to Teresa Ferreira or any
member of the Community Services Team for more
11. Adventist Christian Elementary School Presents:
Operation Christmas Child The MUSICAL
December 13th @ 5:30 p.m.
Old World Christmas Market @ 6:30
More Vendors for market are welcome! For more details
on market contact Leanne Pelissero
Come and get your last minute Christmas shopping
done with original gift giving!
Childcare will be available.
12. The Ingersoll Arena is rented by Boskovic
family on Tuesday, December 30th 2013
from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30. All youth are
welcome to come skating. The cost for
skating will be $3 per person. There will be a potluck
lunch at Boskovics place afterwards, please bring a
dish to share.

Mission trip to Nicaragua is

planned for May 5-19, 2015.
Udo Muller from the
Woodstock SDA Church has
organized mission trips to
Nicaragua in the past, in cooperation with the local
conference there and is planning to lead a new effort. The
cost, including airfare tickets from Detroit to Managua, food
on site, local transportation costs, and donation for
mission, is only $1700 per person. All ages are welcome.
Construction work is planned, medical care and health
education is needed, children programming will be main
focus. The initial deposit of $500 needs to be given by
December 10. Pastor Juan Carlos Atencio is preparing to
also lead an evangelistic effort. If you are interested,
please sign up at the announcement board, or speak with
pastor Alex. More details of the trip will be published as
numbers and logistics emerge.

Birthday Wishes for December

Dec 1 Gord Rayner
Dec 1 Hellen Orisi
Dec 1 Mario Carcamo Sr.
Dec 5 Jeanne Munro
Dec 6 Bosljka Stupar
Dec 8 Josh Catarino
Dec 8 Kibwe Williams
Dec 9 Lynn Tait
Dec 9 Sharon Reeve
Dec 11 Rwangi Hosea

Dec 14 Loralee Dawson

Dec 14 Lisa Dawson
Dec 14 Loralee Dawson
Dec 16 Kristina Howick
Dec 21 Randy Heath
Dec 23 Jeremiah Wilson
Dec 24 Virgina Polihronova
Dec 25 Dragan Maletic
Dec 25 Maria Anzora
Dec 26 Leah Stajfer

Dec 26 Yeni Gultom

Dec 26 Margaret Yates
Dec 27 Holly Dowdell
Dec 28 Cliff Munro
Dec 29 Ray Thompson
Dec 29 Zola Ncube
Dec 31 Shawna
Dec 31 Emily Reeve
Dec 31 Elizabeth Haskell

Unity in Diversity Adventism at its best!

An American poet Edwin Markham (1852-1940) penned these words in a

poem Outwitted:
He drew a circle to shut me out
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had a mind to win;
We drew a circle and took him in!
In a world where obvious racial, gender, ethnic, and cultural differences
cause conflict the Church has to face the challenge of being one, of being
united. Believing that we all have God as Our Father, Creator, Maker and
Sustainer, how do we get along?
Riot-torn Ferguson, Missouri, ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war in Donezk
& Lugansk, resurgence of fighting in Chechnya, Israeli-Palestinian conflict
the list is endless! One of our parishioners hearing about this Diversity day
and the parade of nations, made a comment When they all march with their
flags if makes me cry. When I inquired Why? the response was not what I
expected Why cant they get along? Truth is that many have moved to
Canada to get away from conflicts in their homeland, because they did not
get along, if not them as individuals, then as people groups.
The globalization and advancements in all forms of communications
really makes the world a global village and there is no turning back, there is
no going back to isolated existence of previous centuries. Global
interchange of people from various cultures is the present reality and it will
only increase. Being an immigrant myself I see that people, while escaping
problems elsewhere, bring those same problems with them to their new
home. In 22 years I lived in Canada I watch things change, attitudes change.
Is it possible to build a model community here, which would take a message
of peace to the homelands in conflict?
There are 3 common approaches (1) reject that differences exist; (2)
pretend you dont see the differences; (3) tell that difference do not matter.
Neither of these approaches really works. From communities that made it
work, from mission experience, we learn that only mutual appreciation,
mutual honesty, and mutual cooperation makes it.
When each culture accepts its fallenness, its flaws there is no perfect
culture or ethnic group, all have problems. Biblically speaking all have
sinned; when each culture recognizes other cultures for their unique gifts and
contributions and appreciates what they have, for each people group has
been blessed by god with gifts, talents, and had developed over their history
unique experiences, then instead of competition and comparisons we enter
complimentary teamwork. No one is above another, all benefiting from one
another. When we fail to acknowledge difference, it leads to cross-cultural
incompetence, and prevents appreciation of uniqueness. Only real love to
another human being, as different as they are, allows to draw a circle of
inclusion, and enjoy the bouquet of all shapes and colors.
It really comes down to one thing when self is not on the throne we
can connect, serve and love others.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko


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