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The Episcopal / Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East

President Bishop:

The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis

5 Michel Lutfallah Street, P.O. Box 87
Zamalek, 11211, Cairo, Egypt
+20 2 27380821/3/9

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The Synod of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, a Province of the
Anglican Communion, resolved the following:

A) The Primate (President Bishop) of the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East shall,
during his time in office, bear the title of Archbishop, subject to his relinquishment of the title
when he ceases to hold office as Primate; and
B) The Bishop of the Diocese of Jerusalem shall, during his time in office, bear the title of
Archbishop in Jerusalem, subject to his relinquishment of the title when he ceases to hold
office as Bishop of the Diocese of Jerusalem;
Provided that the metropolitical authority of the Synod of the Province shall remain
unaltered and that the holding of the title Archbishop shall imply no extra-diocesan
jurisdiction or seniority.

This resolution is effective from today 23 October 2014.

May the Lord bless you!

+ Mouneer Egypt
The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis
Bishop of Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt
with North Africa and the Horn of Africa
President Bishop of the Episcopal / Anglican
Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East

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