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Pressure Changers and Heat


Explore pressure changers and heat
exchangers in Aspen Plus

Pressure Changers
Multi-stage compressor
Pipe (single segment)

Specify discharge pressure - calculate power required
Specify power calculate discharge pressure
Positive Displacement
Apply pressure directly to the fluid
High pressure
Wide variation in viscosity with precise control

High rotational speed
Large range of operation
Some flexibility on fluid types

Pump Horsepower Example

Methane 0.1 lbmol/hr

Ethane 1 lbmol/hr
Propane 10 lbmol/hr
N-butane 18.9 lbmol/hr
1-butene 20 lbmol/hr
1,3-Butadiene 20 lbmol/hr

Pump from 20 psia to 100 psia, inlet T=-100 C

What is the horsepower required if the pump's
efficiency is 80%?

Pump and Turbine

Water is fed to a centrifugal pump at 70F, 14.7 psia,
and 1,000 lb/hr
The desired outlet of the first pump is 100 psia
(efficiency = 1)
The outlet of the first pump is connected to the inlet of
a turbine. If the outlet of the turbine is 14.7 psia
(efficiency = 0.8), what is the brake horsepower?
What is the value when the efficiency is 1.0?

Review Mollier method in Aspen Plus help (used
to determine compressor horsepower and
discharge temperature for isentropic
Polytropic centrifugal
Polytropic positive displacement

Compressor Example
Use the composition from Example 1
The feed is a vapor at 100 psia and 100C
Use a polytropic compressor (100% efficient) to
compress the stream to 500 psia
What is the compressor horsepower and what is
the physical state of the product?

Isentropic Compressor
Repeat the example using an isentropic
compressor that operates reversibly
Change the efficiency to 0.8

Multi-stage Compressor
Repeat using a two-stage isentropic compressor
No interstage cooling
Zero pressure drops
Calculate the compressor's horsepower and
physical state of the product

Heat Exchangers
Use the Heatx block to calculate the state of the cold
stream and the heat transfer area required
Countercurrent heat exchanger with an overall heat
transfer coefficient equal to 100 Btu/hr ft2 R
Outlet of hot stream is 70F
Hot feed 140F, Cold feed 40F, atmospheric pressure
Wilson property method

Heat Exchangers
Repeat but use two heater blocks with a heat
stream transferring the heat

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