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Gerardo Guzman


3/4 B



Answer the three questions below, in a 100 word paragraph in the space provided. Watch the Guernica 3D video and look at
the painting Guernica on the class website to help answer these questions. Save this to your Z: drive or Google drive, print it
out and place into the correct class basket for grading.

What details in the painting catch your attention?

What questions of curiosity are sparked by the painting?

What conclusions can you make that are based on information in the painting?

Answer questions here

The little details like the teeth, the toes, and the hands really catch my attention. The painting itself is very complex and
eye catching because of all the little details like the animals and such. One question that i have is, what inspired Picasso
or what lead him to draw this? What's going on in the picture and what does it represent? Maybe he is painting about
some battle or war that was fought, i say that because there are knives and random limps in the painting. There is also a
a person being eaten by some sharped tooth machine or animal.

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Digital Pathways Art

Talking About Art

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