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Myra Sebastian

English 12
Mrs. Lane

Career Essay
I chose to go into the Education Field because it is a very important career. Everyone needs
education to be able to do anything. I want to be an Elementary School teacher, to help kids learn their
basics. I grew up in a very large family and have 7 siblings. I love to be around them and to be able to
help them learn and accomplish something, means everything to me.
My duties and responsibilities for this career are to keep the Children well, teach them how to
read, write, count, learn their letters, and a lot more. I am a very helpful person and little kids are just
down right awesome. I want to be the teacher that the kids love and can come to me for anything. To be
the teacher that is awesome, but makes the kids do their work and to accomplish something. My job as an
Elementary teacher is to get the kids ready for the next grade.
My job as a teacher will help out the society because now a days you have to have a great
education to do anything. My job is to be a great teacher to make the kids want to come to school and to
learn. The government would get money for them being there and the society would be well off do to
them being in school. The importance of my job to the society is to keep kids off the streets and to make
them do what they need to do.
Potential for advancements and growth of being a Elementary teacher is to make kids learn and to
support them that young in age. I know that some little kids like to go to school, but I know that others
dont. And I am there to help the kids that dont like school, begin to like it, and being a teacher that is
always there and ready to help. I am so excited to become a teacher and help little kids do what is right.
Being and Elementary Teacher will help the students learn and grow everyday, some may make more
progress than others, but thats apart of life. As long as all of my students do well and continue to improve
and grow, I will be one happy teacher.

Last but not least, going into this career is a perfect fit for me because I get along well with little
children and I grew up around a lot of them. I like to color and do fun activities, I am a very crafty person
and being an Elementary Teacher I could help my students with all of that. I would also teach them their
basics and help them move on to the next grade level. I would need some skills on how to teach, how to
deal with different types of children, like the ones who learn faster than others, and ones that may need
more help than others. I would love to have a classroom of my fit where it can be a lovely environment
that my students would love to be it to make them want to come to school on a daily basis.
In 10-20 years into my career I want to be an Elementary School teacher at a great Elementary
school, I want to teach at a school outside of Michigan because there is not many teaching jobs left in this
state. I dont want to be living in the state of Michigan 10 to 20 years from now. So hopefully I get a great
job at a great school, to teach awesome Children. My long term goals for this career is for students to love
me, have my own home, and to start a family. Also to have a loving husband that appreciated that I am a
teacher, and maybe a husband that is a teacher his self.

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