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Welcome to MYP Biology!

Teacher: Mrs. Bara Co-Teachers: Ms. Fulton & Ms. Hayashi

What is MYP?
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a magnet program at
Lansing Eastern High School. All students in 7th-10th grade are part of the MYP program, while
some in 11th and 12th grade choose to participate in the Diploma Programme (DP). The
programs purpose is to increase student understanding, develop cultural awareness, and expand
skills required to be successful in todays world.

MYP learners strive to be:




Unit Topics:
First Semester
1 Marking Period
2nd Marking Period
Scientific Inquiry &
Cell Division
Experimental Design
Chemistry &
and Genetics
DNA & Making
Cells: Structure and Proteins

Second Semester
3 Marking Period
4th Marking Period
Human Body
Structure and
Homeostasis &
Evolution &
Ecology, Cell
Energetics, and
Human Impact

Please bring the following materials to class every day:
Your Biology Binder

A pencil

Your homework

Interactive Biology Binders

You are required to keep and maintain a Biology Binder. I recommend that you
purchase at least a 1.5-inch, 3-ring binder, as you will be required to keep an
organized record of all coursework in your binder. It is important that you keep all
class notes, assignments, group work, lab work and bookwork. ALL graded work,
tests and other unit materials should be kept into your biology binder. This will be
helpful when preparing for a unit test or the semester examas everything will be
in one place!


Semester Grade

Course Grading:
Grading Scale

Marking Period 1 (40%)



Marking Period 2 (40%)

Individual Cumulative
Semester Assessment

Grading Details and Extra Credit:

Marking Period Grades
The marking period grade is calculated according to the following grading scale:
20%: Instructional coursework (daily assignments, group work, homework and
40%: Tests and quizzes
30%: Projects, lab assignments and other formal assessments
10%: Informal assessments (i.e. working on your daily journal, maintaining your
course binder and actively engaging in classroom learning opportunities.)
Current grades will be posted online (you must have and activate an
Edline account) and can be discussed in further detail before or after


Journals are to be completed everyday at the beginning of class. If you are absent,
you are required to complete the journal response for that day. Enter all journal
responses in your biology binder. Each entry must include the question and the
date. The daily journal topics will be on the screen at the beginning of class period
and should be answered within the first 10 minutes of the class period. Journal
entries will count towards your participation grade.

Science Instructional Assignments

All assignments are to be turned in on the day that they are due. If an assignment
is not turned in on time, you will lose an opportunity for feedback. A late
assignment will can be turned in until the end of a unit, which is the day of the
UNIT TEST. Any assignment turned in late may be subject to a late penalty. It is
possible to earn more credit on a late assignment if you come in before or after
school to discuss the assignment. Make it a priority to turn in all assignments
completed and on time!

Formal Lab Assignments, Projects and Assessments
Formal lab reports and projects and other will be graded on the according to a
provided rubric. Requirement sheets will be given at the beginning of the first lab
assignment. It is extremely important to work on projects and lab reports ahead of
time because they will require a substantial amount of time to complete. All lab
reports must be typed or turned in electronically.

Tests & Quizzes

All tests and quizzes will be used as a means to determine a students
understanding against the state standard. There will be a test or quiz at the end of
each unit. Tests will cover material found in the textbook, class work, homework,
labs and activities.

Extra Help & Extra Credit

Teachers are always willing to give extra help to students who request it. You are
urged to set up an appointment to accommodate everyones schedules. We are
available for additional help between 7:00 and 7:30 before school and after school
on most days.
There will not be many opportunities to earn extra credit. Students should not
depend upon extra credit to achieve their desired grade. Instead, focus on work
offered for required creditbe sure that you ask for help when you need it, and
that your work is correct, complete and turned in on time!

Classroom Policies & Procedures

Tardy and Absence Policy
Attending class is essential to your academic success. A note from a parent or guardian
should be sent to school explaining the absence, and should be signed by each teacher.
You are responsible for any work that you missed because of a tardy or an
absence. If you are more than 13 minutes late, you will be marked absent. When
you are absent it is your responsibility to find the work that you missed (use the
assignment center on the table) and to make arrangements to make up labs or
tests. If you fail to make up a test or a lab before the end of the unit, the grade
for that test lab will be a zero.

Operation Transport & Hall Passes

NO HALL PASSES will be given. Use breaks between classes appropriately. Students
needing an emergency pass will wait for an adult to transport them to their destination.
Permitted transport will include emergency restroom, main office, clinic, public
safety office, counseling center, RJ office, and to and from class if brought to the
office by a parent. No transport will happen to lockers, vending machines, or the
library. No hall passes or transport are allowed during the first or last 15 minutes
of the class period.

Class time and instruction are important so please plan your passing
time accordingly!
Classroom Rules
1. Respect: Treat everyone and everything in class with respect. Respect
needs to be reflected through your language and your actions at all times.
This is a G Rated classroom.
2. Be on Time: You are expected to be on time for class. Please find your
assigned seat and have with you all needed materials (textbook, portfolio,
pen/pencil, paper, assignments, etc.)
3. Follow all Policies and Procedures: It is the teachers job to provide you with
a safe and productive learning environment. Policies and procedures create
a positive classroom culture.
If you choose not to follow the classroom rules or meet the behavioral
expectations, there will be consequences. The following list describes how
disruptive actions will be handled in our classroom:
1. The teacher will give you a public or private warning.
2. The next disruption will result in a conference (ex: hallway talk) with the
3. If the disruption continues you will be referred to your assistant principal.
This will result in a parent/guardian contact and other consequences
assigned by the assistant principal (according to Easterns discipline rubric.)
4. If the problem persists, you will be referred to the assistant principal and
have a behavior plan developed.
5. Severe disruption will result in the immediate removal from class.
We are willing to solve any situation within the classroom. You are responsible for
the decisions you make. Be sure you are making the right one.
Choosing to follow the classroom rules may result in the following rewards:


Verbal praise
Good News cards sent home
Good grades in class
A positive learning experience
Earning credit towards graduation

**Students: The above information should remain in your Biology Binder!

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