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Standard 10 Collaboration

Title: Trumpet Video

Date: October 27, 2014

Artifact Description:
The following artifact is a video of a trumpet trio performed by myself and student teaching colleagues from
River Valley high school during my student teaching. This piece was performed in between the choral and band
sections of the Fall concert. The band director, choir director and myself all play trumpet and considering we
worked in close proximity with many of the same students, we collaborated on many parts of teaching and
learning. On several occasions, I would go play with the band during rehearsal or pep bands for the dual purpose
of helping out the trumpet section as well as getting the opportunity to watch how Mr. Snow directs. I also
witnessed my cooperating teacher as she was asked to direct the band while its director took his son to the
doctor. This ensemble performance showed the students and community that the band and choir programs are
very connected.

ALIGNMENT: Wisconsin Teacher Standard Alignment:

This artifact best aligns with standard ten of the Wisconsin Teacher Development and Licensure Standards which
states: Teachers are connected with other teachers and the community. The teacher fosters
relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support pupil learning and
well-being and acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.
This artifact aligns with standard ten because of the relationships fostered, not only with Mr. Snow in the band,
but also with administration and other teachers during homecoming festivities. Throughout my time at River
Valley, I participated in the pep rally, student council meetings and fundraisers, pep band and sporting events,
homecoming games and of course the Fall band/choir concert. In order for all of these events to take place, we
needed many teachers offering time and cooperation in collaboration for everything to be successful. The
students and community commented on a several occasions with positive feedback about said participations.

UW Platteville School of Education Knowledge, Skill, Disposition Statement Alignment

I believe this experience best aligns with SD4.d. Contributes to the School and District of the UW-Platteville
School of Education Knowledge, Skill, and Disposition Statements which states: The candidate is able to assume
a leadership role among colleagues and is supportive and cooperative with peers and volunteers, and serves as a
participant and leader in school events and school events and school and district projects.
I believe this experience best aligns with SD4.d. because it takes a leader to stand in front of an
audience and perform, but it also takes cooperation and support among peers as educators to
put out an ensemble production in front of students and the community. Participating in
school events is vital to a thriving art department as our goal is to serve an audience with
beautiful sound and educating musical experience. Assuming a leadership role as both a
director and performer shows willingness to be a good role model and proves ability to
Secondary Alignment
KSD4.f. Shows Professionalism
KSD4.e. Grows and Develops Professionally
What I learned about teaching and learning:
This artifact was by far the most fun, but certainly not the easiest. Being vulnerable with my trumpet skills in
front of a large audience like that took a lot of confidence that I wasnt sure I had. However, this was a great
opportunity to show my students that I practice what I preach. So I faked whatever confidence I felt lacking and
performed as best I could. There were a couple spots I missed notes, but overall the trumpet trio was a great
success. My choral students that also played trumpet had been discussing trumpet playing throughout the
quarter, but after the Fall concert we connected on higher levels. Making connections with faculty is possibly the
most effective way to teach your students how to work together- more action, less words.

What I learned about myself as a prospective educator:

As a prospective educator I found this experience, and ones like it as far as collaboration, to be
very rewarding and fulfilling for not only myself, but fellow educators, students and their
families. I heartily recommend getting up in front of a whole student body to make yourself
known as a teacher who wants to be involved and is willing to put themselves out there for the
purpose of school spirit and the like. Let the record show that I take time with individuals to
get to know them and find ways to show I care (try to relate), but also jump into community
and school district opportunities to connect in bigger ways (this helps me relate to students in
sports, music, popular and unpopular, just by my being approachable because they remember

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