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December 8, 2014
Contact: Alex Tucciarone, 646-200-5282
New Organization Gathering in Washington to Discuss
Policy Options to Prevent Gun Violence at State Level
Washington, DC (December 8, 2014)- Today a new nonpartisan coalition of state legislators
focused on gun violence prevention announced its formation at a press conference with several of
the groups founding members, on the eve of its first official meeting, a national policy summit in
the capital. The organization, American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention, includes
nearly 200 state legislators from both parties, in all 50 states plus Puerto Rico and the District of
At the summit, the legislators will discuss how to organize the coalition to be most effective, as well
as legislative successes of the last two years and actions they plan to take in their respective states
in 2015. Topics will include ways of strengthening and closing loopholes in the background check
system, growing concerns about guns in the context of domestic violence and abuse, and effective
intervention strategies in communities experiencing high rates of gun violence.
ASLGVP founder and Chair Assemblymember Brian Kavanagh (D-NY) said, Gun violence isnt
a regional concern or a partisan issue. Its a tragic crisis affecting Americans across the country.
Weve come together in recognition of the essential role state legislators must play whether or not
Congress chooses to act in reducing gun violence. Im proud of the geographic breadth, diversity,
and bipartisan representation of our coalition. I look forward to getting started on our work and to
seeing the positive impact ASLGVP members will have.
ASLGVP member Representative Barbara Bollier (R-KS) said, ASLGVP is notable for its smart
and unique focus on state level representatives. This nonpartisan coalition is a tremendous
opportunity for the people's voice to be heard throughout the country."
ASLGVP member Senator Jos R. Rodriguez (D-TX) said, Given Congress's inability to enact
sensible, commonsense laws, this coalition promises to provide legislators an avenue to share
effective ways to reduce gun violence.
ASLGVP member Representative Renny Cushing (D-NH) said, As both a legislator and a
survivor of victims of gun violence--my father and brother-in-law were both murdered with
firearms--I am inspired by the creation of this new coalition and hopeful it will lead to a reduction

in injuries and death. We can honor those families and communities ravaged by gun violence by
finding common sense ways to prevent future gun tragedies.
ASLGVP member Representative Merika Coleman-Evans (D-AL) said, I'm from the great state
of Alabama where we love our God, we love our country, and we love our guns. However, as a
mother and as a legislator, I want to ensure that the policies protecting our right to bear arms are
smart policies that promote safety and do not put children and citizens at risk. I am grateful for this
coalition that seeks to bring together like minded legislators from all over this country to have
dialogue on smart gun laws.
ASLGVP member Representative Stacey Newman (D-MO) said, We cannot wait until a mass
gun tragedy hit each of our own communities. Today, as we announce our new effort to work
collectively across the country, we know we will make a difference. We will save lives. We must.
ASLGVP member Senator Adam Ebbin (D-VA) said, Though we may have different approaches,
we are united in our desire to stop gun violence. I am proud to join with legislative colleagues from
every state as we seek to end the horrific reality of gun deaths in our states and across this country.
American lives are lost every day--rural, suburban and urban; young and old; privileged, middle
class and poor in every region. There are tens of thousands of losses of life each year, tens of
thousands of injuries each year; each an individual tragedy imploring us to do better.
For more information about the organization, visit

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