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Candidate, Assistant Volleyball Coach

University of Indianapolis


Kelsey Hoefer
My goal is to become the Assistant Volleyball Coach at the University of Indianapolis, and facilitate the
growth of the program by assisting student-athletes in exploring their academic and athletic potential.
I plan to accomplish this goal through the following objectives:
I. Assist to Recruit student-athletes who continually improve the competitive level of the volleyball
II. Make academics the top priority for each student-athlete
III. Develop each student-athlete to her full potential through a year round training plan
IV. Be an assistant coach who will be an asset to the head coach and the volleyball program
V. Establish a plan, with the athletics support staff, to give each student-athlete the best opportunity to
be successful
VI. Develop public relations, by fostering the relationships between the University of Indianapolis
Volleyball program and the student body, community and alumni, in order to broaden the fan base
and foundation of support
VII. Create a first class environment and culture within the program

What is most difficult to demonstrate on a piece of paper is my passion for the sport of volleyball, my
dedication to the welfare of the student-athlete, and my positive energy. It is my hope that this portfolio
will provide a clear understanding of my vision, values, and goals as the next Assistant Volleyball Coach
at the University of Indianapolis. Please understand that this portfolio is only a snapshot into my ideology
and not an exhaustive explanation. One thing of which I can assure you is that the high expectations I
have for the program and myself will not change, but I do understand the inevitable need to adjust these
items to meet the ever-changing needs of the program.
Coaching Philosophy
First and foremost, I want to prepare my student-athletes to become productive members in society. This
challenges me to give them a full array of experiences that they can take with them beyond their college
volleyball careers. Things like winning, fun, discipline, responsibility, community service, etc. are all
items that I want to teach within my coaching responsibilities.
Second, is to ensure that my student-athletes have a positive experience. I say this with the realization
that I cannot and will not make everyone happy. I feel that I can accomplish this with the best of my
ability by just being open and honest with all of my student-athletes as well as being willing to listen. I
feel that these characteristics give me the best opportunity to succeed in making this goal a reality.
I believe that trust and hard work are the cornerstones of any successful venture. Trust gives each person
the opportunity to believe in themselves and others. Without trust we begin to question our own abilities
and that of the people around us. Working within this system, is personal responsibility. I believe that
taking responsibility for your actions, accepting the consequences that come from those actions and
understanding that what you do impacts those around you is an extremely important lesson. If these
two factors break down, the team is nothing but a group of insecure individuals.
Hard work is a must in the realm of success. Without it, talent can be wasted. With it, a team can go
beyond expectations to realize its full potential and know the satisfaction that each individual gave her
best. Ive seen both sides of hard work and have experienced consequences of each, in bitter regret and
genuine satisfaction.
The best way to describe my style of coaching is that one can be making the decisions, but it will be the
voice of many that determines our success. I believe that each entity involved in the program from the
Athletic Director, Academic Advisor, Athletic Trainer, Professors, etc., share in the success of the
program and should be viewed and utilized.
I believe every player should share in the ownership of the program. I believe that when given ownership
and voice, student-athletes are empowered to determine their own success. I believe that players are more
willing to invest and there is a greater sense of accountability for self and the team.
Finally, I believe that I should be an advocate for the success of my student-athletes. I understand that I
serve many roles; teacher, leader, counselor, trainer and supporter. In each of these roles, it is not my
responsibility to dictate their decisions and future, but to foster their ability to build their own path.



Recruiting is the key of any successful volleyball program. People are always going to be your greatest
asset however, surrounding yourself with the right people is even more important. If my livelihood is
going to depend on these individuals, Im going to put every effort into making sure they are the very best
students, athletes, and citizens I can help find.
Student-athletes should have character, self-motivation, and be a team player. Teammates are an athletes
family for four years and I believe in recruiting athletes that have numerous qualities, both on and off the
During the recruiting process, I will first sell the University of Indianapolis. If UIndy is not a good fit, the
athlete will ultimately be unhappy, leading to poor performance in the classroom and on the court. The
prospect should find a good fit with the school in terms of academics, athletics and social environment.
Next, I will sell our team to the prospective student-athletes. Each PSA should understand the volleyball
team will be her support system and family for the next four years, and she should feel comfortable within
that group of individuals. Our team will be an intricate part of the recruiting process and, hopefully,
become our biggest recruiting asset.
Finally, I will sell myself and our coaching staff to the prospects. Spending the next four years with us, I
want each of our players to feel comfortable in working with our coaching style and within our
philosophy. Many student-athletes mention the main reason for attending an institution is their
connection with the coaches; therefore Ill be sure the recruit and our staff is a match that can work
Keys for successful recruiting at UIndy:
1. Communicate effectively with the local high school and club coaches to identify athletes who may
fit in to UIndy
2. In person evaluations at competition/practice sites of prospective student-athletes
3. Evaluate academic profiles to assure compatibility with UIndy acceptance standards and scholastic
4. Communicate with each prospect, educating her about UIndy and the recruiting process
5. Develop high level summer volleyball camps in order to attract top level talent to the UIndy
campus and expose these athletes to our facilities, staff, and athletes
6. Bring prospects on visits, utilizing professors, athletic support staff and players to give the athletes
a true understanding of UIndy and the volleyball program
7. A tireless commitment to bring the very best student-athletes to UIndy, and never put a ceiling on
whom UIndy can recruit, attract, and eventually sign to a National Letter of Intent



Academics are truly the reason each of us (athletes and staff) is in college athletics. Volleyball is simply
an avenue by which many student-athletes can attend an institution. In turn, academics are a major step in
our athletes processes of becoming a productive member of society. With that in mind, I wish to give
our players the best opportunity to succeed in life by making academics their first priority while in our
The following are some key components to fostering academic success at the college level:
1. Recruit self-motivated prospects who have solid academic foundations
2. Have an accountability system in place for each student-athlete by which the staff is aware of her
study habits, attendance, and performance in the classroom
3. Provide each student-athlete with a support system in which she will have an opportunity to
succeed, including:

Academic advisors
Goal setting facilitation
Available tutors
Study facilities

4. Encourage time-management skills by providing each student-athlete with a monthly calendar

which includes academic, athletic, and social commitments



A year round training program is necessary for any successful volleyball program to reach its full
potential and avoid injuries. Below is an outline of a typical yearly training program that I hope to
facilitate through our staff and athletes.
Strength and Conditioning
Volleyball is a game of short, fast points, which is how I train. I believe conditioning should
mostly be geared to how the game is played, short distance, fast movements and a lot of jumping.
Apply the same idea to weight-lifting, light weight and fast reps during season. In the off season
the team can afford to lift heavier and get stronger.
Summer (freshman year)
Develop a general balance in body strength, while also increasing the aerobic and anaerobic
Maintain the strength that was developed throughout the summer and continue to build on the
anaerobic conditioning, specifying its application to the sport of volleyball. Develop individual
skills, while melding the team into a competitive unit. There will be a great focus on team and
match training focus. Competition will be a part of each daily practice.
Break after the season to let the body and mind recover. Christmas break should be used as a
maintenance phase when players keep their physical edge, while enjoying time away from the
Players bodies can withstand more breakdown during this period, as there is more opportunity for
recovery. Gains in strength and explosiveness are essential during this phase. Skill development
and motor learning are emphasized more so, as winning and losing are deemphasized during the
competitions of the spring.
Returning players should work to maintain or increase their strength and cardio respiratory
capabilities through a prescribed workout developed by the strength and conditioning coach.
Athletes will also be encouraged to play as much as possible during this time.
During each of these phases, recovery periods should be scheduled so the athletes bodies do not
breakdown to the point of injury. Academic loads and other school events are also taken into account
such as finals, spring break, etc.



An assistant coach is a direct extension of the head coach and therefore should reflect the vision cast
within the program. They will be expected to support the decisions of the head coach in front of the team,
yet encouraged to critique any portion of the program in the appropriate environment.
The head coach should surround themselves with successful individuals who are willing to make some
sacrifices for the success of the program. We must be a united front, driven by the vision of our teams
goals and success.
Some important characteristics that I will obtain in this position:
1. Loyalty
2. Organization
3. Tireless worker
4. Understand and can identify the type of student-athlete the UIndy Volleyball program is looking
5. Ability to gain familiarity with the region(s) from which the program recruits
6. Creative and detail oriented
7. Outgoing with good verbal and written communication skills
8. Physically capable of facilitating a practice
9. Critical thinker who is not afraid to express ideas
10. Willing to learn



An essential key to any successful volleyball program is the support staff. Knowing that the entire
athletic department is one team; effective communication and organization should be emphasized in order
to coordinate each partys efforts to make the program as productive as possible.
Individuals of importance who need to be included in most of our activities are:
1. Athletic directors
2. Training room staff
3. Facility manager
4. Strength and conditioning coach
5. Academic advisors
6. Sports information staff
7. Professors of involved student-athletes
8. Marketing director
9. Administrative assistant
10. Compliance officer
11. Maintenance staff
12. Other head coaches
I will make it a priority to make myself accessible to these individuals, and effectively communicate the
events of our program.



Public relations connect the volleyball program to the community. As the program is exposed to the
public, interest should increase. This increased interest should lead to higher attendance and revenue for
the athletics department.
The UIndy Volleyball program should connect with the community through several avenues. The staff
and players must make the effort to establish relationships outside of the immediate program. Through
TV, radio, the internet, volunteer organizations, camps, clinics and other public outlets, the UIndy
Volleyball program must be exposed to Indianapolis and the surrounding areas.
Key exposure groups:
1. Community

Area volleyball clubs
Local schools
Local clubs and organizations with athletics interests

2. Alumni
Establish relationships with former players, keeping them informed and involved with the program
3. Student Body
a. Other athletic teams
b. Resident halls
c. Social clubs
4. Volleyball Community
a. Summer camps and clinics
b. Coaches clinics



The environment in which we train and work greatly influences the moods and attitudes we carry with us.
From the locker room to study hall, our athletes and coaches should be surrounded by a constant influx of
positive stimuli. We should not only work to develop this environment, we should also strive to carry
ourselves in first class manner, demonstrating the pride we have in our school and volleyball program.
A first class environment within a volleyball program can be facilitated using the following ideas:
1. Post our programs vision and goals throughout the locker room, offices and training area
2. Decorate the offices, locker room and gym in such a way that everyone who enters that space
can sense the vision of the program
3. Create a locker room environment in which each athlete feels comfortable and welcome
4. Determine a dress code that reflects positively on the program at all public events
5. Establish behavioral principles that demonstrate a commitment to excellence
6. Establish short term goals that guide the everyday practices, meetings and training program
7. Set long term goals for the program which keep the athletes and coaches motivated throughout
the season and their careers

Academic achievement
On-court excellence
NCAA D-II National Championship
Leaving a legacy

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