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oman Defining Etity Members Defining Entity Members You define entity members by using the attributes in Entity Member Attributes Entity Member Attributes [Attribute Description |AllowAdjFromChildren Specifies whether journal postings from children are permitted for the parent entity. Specify Y if journal postings from children are permitted and N if journal postings from ‘children are not permitted. ‘AllowAdjs ‘Specifies whether journal postings are permitted for this lentity. Specify Y if journal postings are permitted for the lentity and N if journal postings are not permitted for the entity DefaultParent ‘Specifies the default parent for the entity DefCurrency ‘Specifies the default currency for the entity. This attribute is ‘required Description ‘Specifies the description for the entity. The description can ‘contain up to 80 characters, including spaces, and cannot luse an ampersand (&). Holdingcompany Specifies the holding company for the entity. Can be the name of an entity or . IsIcP ‘Specifies whether the entity is an intercompany entity. ‘Specify Y if the entity is an intercompany entity and N if the lentity is not an intercompany entity. If the entity is an intercompany entity, it is displayed in the POV in the ICP dimension under (ICP Entities] Member ‘Specifies the name for the entity. This attribute is required. The name must be unique and can contain up to 80 ‘characters including spaces but cannot start with a space. CAUTION! Entity names cannot contain spaces if you are using an Oracle database Do not use the following characters in the entity name: + Period (. ) * Plus sign ( +) @ Minus sign ( - ) \* Asterisk ( *) j@ Slash mark (/ ) * Number sign ( #) = Comma (,) * Semicolon ( ; ) Atsign( @) + Double quote ("") * Curly brackets ( { }) * Ampersand ( & ) Note You cannot use ALL as the name of an entity. SecurityAsPartner Specifies the name of a valid security class for the ICP Intpsdos. oracle coneE12082_0doc/epm.82t/himl_Hin_adin_webhelavAdmin#elp-07-07 tml 12 vomama Dering Entity Members lentity, This attribute enables you to secure the entity in an ICP dimension. ‘SecurityClass ‘Specifies the name of a valid security class of users who can laccess the data of the entity. Security class names can ‘contain up to 80 characters. UserDefined1, UserDefined2, UserDefined3 ‘Stores custom information for the entity. You can enter a maximum of 80 characters. The UserDefined1, UserDefined2, land UserDefined3 functions retrieve the text stored in this attribute. nips. oracle conedE12082_0'Ndoc/epm 821/himl_Hin_adin_webhelavAdmin#elp-07-07 tml 22

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