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Who are you?







In what ways is identity how you see yourself?

How can you express yourself to show your identity?
What are some of the tihngs that make up who you are?

It's how you see yourself

It's how you express yourself
it's made up of the things you enjoy doing

Historical and cultural relevance

- compare content in artowrks for various purposes such as the role art plays in reflecting
life, expressing emotions, telling stories, or documenting history and traditions
- compare purpose and content in artworks created by historical and contemporary men
and women, making connections to various cultures.
Critical evaluation and response
- evalute the elements of art, principles of design, intent, or expressive qualities in
artworks of self, peers, and historical and contemprary artists

When making works of art, utilize and care for materials, tools, and equipment in a
manner that prevents danger to oneself and others
analyze components in visual imagery that convery messages
compare responses to a work of art before and after working in a similar media

I will be assessing them on how well they are able to follow instructions, complete
the assignment, have a good overall craftsmanship, and thta creativity is to their
best ability

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