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By: Brent Bernhardt

Sometimes in politics, family members of a
previous leader will follow in their foot steps.
Two examples of this would be the Bush
family and the Clinton family. Unlike the
previous examples however, this presentation
will compare the views, achievements, and
influence of the Canadian politicians, the
Trudeaus. This presentation will consider
who is currently the greater Canadian leader;
Justin Trudeau, or his father and
predecessor, Pierre Trudeau.

Trudeau Influence: Justin VS.

Justin Trudeau

Pierre Trudeau

The current leader of the

liberal party of Canada, not
yet elected but intends to
become the 23rd prime
minister of Canada
following the next election
on October 19, 2015.
In his short time in the
Canadian political system,
he has already participated
in a boxing charity event

Justin has not yet been elected, and

therefore has not had the chance to truly
prove his love and commitment to

Pierre has shown his love and

commitment to Canada through great
actions in both his legal AND personal life.

Became the 15th prime minister in Canada in

April 20, 1968 to June 4, 1979, and again from
March 3, 1980 to June 30, 1984 Both under
the liberal party of Canada.
Studied at the Universit de Montral, earning
his law degree in 1943
Trained in the Canadian Officers' Training
Corps, not having served overseas as his
service was before the conscription crisis of
1944 (He later stated that he was willing to join
into WWII but felt in doing so, his Quebec
people would feel betrayed by his view
conflicting choice)
Won the trust and respect of Canadians with
his actions and personality
Defused the situation of the Quebec separatist

A Show Of Vote: Who

Is The More Influential
In a poll conducted in a Loyalist College class, students
were asked to identify which of the two they thought was
the more influential leader. The following are the results:

Percent Of Influence

Justin Trudeau

Percent Of Influence
Pierre Trudeau




In the finished poll, Pierre received ALL votes Conquering Justins

influence with his staggering 100% of supportive votes!

Pierre Trudeau Is
Currently The Greater
Canadian Leader!
Though Justin certainly has great
potential, he simply hasnt had the chance
to prove himself to the world. In turn, Pierre
has proven himself greatly during his
lifetime, gaining the trust, love, and respect
of his fellow Canadians. Therefore, untill
Justin is elected and proves his greatness,
Pierre will continue to currently maintain his
place as the greater Canadian leader.

Making Him Proud

In the end, this presentation has effectively proved that Pierre Trudeau maintains his
influence over Canada above his son Justin. That however, does not mean Justin is
completely beat out, or for that matter that they were in any unfriendly competition in the first
place. Out of respect for his now deceased father, Justin Trudeau follows in his footsteps to
become the Liberal representing Prime Minister. He intends to be elected in the coming
federal vote scheduled for October 19th, 2015.

Questions To Ask Yourself

Will Justin be able to live up to the
legend of his father, Pierre? How?
Do you think Justin will be able to
defeat the currently reigning tyrant,
Stephen Harper and his
Conservatives in the next election?
Why or why not?

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