Lesson 6 - Project Day 3

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Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction Education 305

Teacher Amanda Williams and Emily Jeninga

Grade level and theme

4th Grade: Underground Railroad: the Train from Freedom to Slavery

Thread/crossover Geography/History/Civics
I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
The focus of this lesson is to learn about all of the heroes of the Underground Railroad, besides the hero that the students studied in
their own group.
How does this lesson tie in to your Big Idea
This lesson ties into our big idea in that the presentations allow students to learn about all of the heroes and conductors of the
underground railroad.
What are your objectives for this lesson? (students will be able to.) Indicate connections to applicable national or state
standards (glces). Indicate themes from any threads addressed in this lesson (ex-Geography-human environment interaction)
1) Students will be able to articulate what is important about their person.
2) Students will be able to explain the route that their person took on the underground railroad.
3) Students will be able to explain why the Underground Railroad was created and what impact it had
4) 4 P4.2.2 Participate in projects to help or inform others.

II. Before you start

Prerequisite knowledge and skills.
What are you assuming they know
or have already done.

Students know information about their person

Students know what the Underground Railroad is

(formative and summative)

Formative: Students asking questions about their peers presentation

Summative: the assessment that each group creates for their classmates
Use previously stated vocabulary. Vocabulary that relates to each presentations, and prior

Key vocabulary for this lesson

(include key concepts from
individual threads ex- economicsopportunity cost etc)

Materials-what materials (books,

handouts, etc) do you need for this
lesson and do you have them?

Rubric for the presentations
Copies of the individual groups activity for their class
Different Roles for each person

Opportunities for differentiation

III. The Plan

1 min


The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher activities and student
The teacher will introduce the groups, and briefly explain what is expected of each group. The teacher
will explain that each group will be handing out their assessment tool at the end of their presentation and
each student will fill that out immediately after the presentation.

2 min

The groups will present their presentation, while providing time for questions and time to complete the
The teacher will fill out the rubric during and after the groups presentation.


The teacher will gather all of the students completed assessment, to get a better understanding of what
information the students were able to learn from the presentations, and what material the teacher will need
to revisit.

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