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Name____Colleen Mistler___

pts = 5 ______


PHED 239: High School Module

Worksheet - Chapter 3
Be prepared to discuss in class:
As a physical educator, what are the implications of grouping high school
students by chronological age rather than by developmental level? Give
As a chronological age increases, the brain develops and students learn how to
analyze different activities, develop personal exercise routines, and assess their
own activity levels. One of the main focuses of high school physical education is
not specifically being able to utilize or be proficient in skills, but rather be aware
of their importance and include those skills and activities throughout their
lifetime. With increased chronological age also brings managed emotions and
attitudes towards physical activity. Grouping students by chronological age
instead if developmental level allows students to interact and be aware of the
importance of social interaction with physical activity.
Share examples (at least one each) of characteristics (physical, social,
emotional, and intellectual) of high school students, and the implications for each
Motor performance and motor functions improve quicker during the time period
when students are in high school, this occurs because bone growth is complete
for most students. This allows modifications and progressions to be made at a
faster rate. Peer interactions are of major importance for high school students,
which teaches them behavioral standards when expressing wardrobe, hygiene,
and personal interests. Social awareness allows students to express how they feel
and their ideas, as well as improve the opportunity for students to enjoy social
and personal fitness. Most high school students have completed their puberty
cycle, resulting in fewer mood swings and less chance of arguing and fighting.
Teacher should be a model for students with appropriate behaviors and

emotions. Students at a high school level have high intellectual knowledge and
experience, being able to think conceptually about reasoning, concentration, and
imagination. Students can make a cognitive choice in their involvement in an
activity and learn the cognitive concepts and abilities to improve their own
physical performance.

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