HZT 4uiposition Paper

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Position Paper

You are required to choose a controversial topic below and write a position paper
on it. You will do research on the topic, choose a side and attempt to convince the reader
of your position. This is not a rant on your part but a well researched, well organized,
well reasoned, well supported and well argued paper.
What you need to do:
Spend 3 full classes of research and writing time if absent you must make the
time up with me before the due date.
Research arguments on both sides of the issue from multiple sources. Take notes
on key points of each
Research unbiased statistics and studies on the issue put into notes
Look over what you have and decide on which side you are taking
Choose and organize the arguments you will use in your paper.
You must have at least 3 major points for the side you choose and address 2 of the
opposing view.
You must quote at least four famous philosophers who make specific reference
to your topic. Two for each side of the issue. You will be using several other
quotes to support your arguments as well.
You will need to create an outline with key points for me to see before you start
writing your rough draft. You can set this up as a chart.
You will likely go through several drafts as strong wording and clarity are key
to the success of the paper.
Write in third person as it will add strength to your argument.
Make sure to have at least one person thoroughly edits the paper. It should be
extremely clear to anyone who reads it.
Paper must be 5 typed pages Times New Roman pt. 12 double spaced
Your paper must be well referenced (end/footnotes) and must include a
works cited sheet in proper format. You may refer to citation machine online
etc. We are using MLA style referencing. If you dont have both of these I will
not mark your paper and it will be considered late.
Topic options:
Animal Testing
Genetic Engineering/ Stem cell research
Legalization of drugs
Conservation and Preservation of the environment
Sex Education in schools
Legalization of Prostitution
Due Date ____________________________________

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