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Spatial Distribution of Callboxes

on Murray State University Campus, 2014

By Allie Potter. Term Project for GSC 592 at Murray State University, Fall 2014.



This project is intended to analyze and compare the spatial distribution of

callboxes and crime on Murray State University campus. Callbox data was
collected during the fall of 2014 as part of this project. Crime data was
collected for the years 2004, 2009, and 2014 through the Public Safety
Department on Murray State University and aggregated by Matthew
Anderson. Data was collected and converted to shapefile and mapped using
ArcMap 10.2.1. A buffer was placed around the callboxes with a distance of
100 yards, the length of a football field, to create an idea of how far most of
the crime committed on Murray State University was from the callboxes. The
resulting data showed that while most of the campus is adequately covered by
sufficient callboxes, there is a noticeable gap in coverage on the south side of
campus around the Curris Center, Blackburn Science Building, and the Carr
Health Building. Buildings on the west side of campus as well as parking lots
also have no coverage. The future goal of this project is to provide awareness
of safety on campus and encourage the public safety department to provide
callboxes for areas.

Step 1: Create the Callbox Map.

Collect data using a Juno 3B Handheld GPS unit and a camera.
Interview Public Safety Office on Murray State University campus to
ensure the completeness and accuracy of the callbox data collected.
Upload data and convert to a shapefile using Pathfinder software.
Upload the shapefile to GIS online and link the images of the callbox
points to the images taken in the field
Step 2: Create the Crime Map
This was aggregated by Matthew Anderson using data taken from the
Public Safety Department online Crime Log Index.
A Buffer of 100 yards was incorporated around the callboxes to indicate
reasonableness of travel from past crime locations. 100 yards was
used as a measurement since 100 yards is also the length of a football
field and most people can picture a football field in their minds.
Upload the shapefiles to the GIS online account



Looking at the map to the left, there is a large gap in callboxes around the
Curris Center. The closest callbox in this area is the Fine Arts Building past
the library or the Elizabeth Residence Hall entry way.

To the right are two examples of callboxes around campus.

The yellow boxes can typically be found attached to buildings, residence hall
entryways, and the occasional pole. These yellow boxes have a small label
of HELP in English and in Braille next to a red button that be pushed to call
for help. They sometimes have a blue light shining above them at night for

The only callbox to be found on the west side of campus, on the other side
of North 16th street is all the way at Hamilton Field. Thats two blocks from
the closest classroom building.
West Farm has three callboxes placed in strategic places. This seems like
a good amount of callboxes to have in that area, it is well protected.

The other type of callbox on Murray State University campus are tall square
grey poles that are clearly labelled and free standing. These are most
commonly found on the north side of campus around the residence halls and
Winslow Dining Hall. The tall grey callboxes are noticeably newer and in
better repair than the yellow callboxes. Every one of these callboxes have a
blue light on the top of them and they are clearly labelled along the sides with
the word EMERGENCY. They are very tall and easily seen.

The portion of campus surrounding Winslow Dining Hall has 13 callboxes.

That is a very good amount of callboxes and very well placed.


In addition to callboxes on campus, Public Safety also has staff on hand to

address any safety concerns on campus. If an incident occurs on campus
affecting the student body, a school email is sent out informing the campus what
has occurred and how to react. In addition, there is a racer patrol on campus
comprised of 16 student workers armed with radios and neon vests that escort
students to their cars and patrol the campus. Racer patrol provides escorts from
6pm to 1am, after which campus police provide escorts.

The distribution of callboxes around Murray State University campus is very

sporadic. In some places, like Winslow Dining Hall or the Wellness Center,
there are plenty of well placed, well lit callboxes. In other places such as the
Curris Center or the Biology Building, there are no nearby callboxes to be
found. It should be noted that although the placement of the callboxes may
seem to miss parts of campus, the racer patrol and campus security provides
escorts and patrol around campus at night. They also station racer patrol
workers at specific locations on campus on a regular basis. If you need help
call: University Police: (Emergency on Campus) 911, (Non-Emergency) 270809-2222.

Objective 1: Create an up-to-date map of callboxes on Murray State University


Objective 2: Create a crime map for Murray State University

Crime Data gathered from Murray State University Public Safety Department
in 2014. Aggregated by Matthew Anderson.

Objective 3: Place both sets of data on the same map for comparison
Objective 4: Place the map online

Callbox Data gathered by GPS, aggregated by Allie Potter in 2014.

Image 1: Callbox 3 located at
Southern Side of Football Stadium

Image 2: Callbox 32 located at corner of Clark

Residence Hall and Winslow Dining Hall

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