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Thank you to Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Keith, and Mrs.

Schlueder for their willingness to plan

and organize the class Christmas party!
They have some great things planned!

Homework Assignments and Reminders

Week of December 8,2014
Notes for Fridays Christmas Service
Meet in the classroom at 6:15.
Dress in your Christmas best. No jeans or tennis shoes.
After the service is over you will pick your child up in the
Practice your memory verse (Isaiah 9:6 and Luke 1:37)
This weeks sharing page What is the gift that you would like to give to
someone? Think about how you will answer that question. See below for
specific instructions.
Talk about what you can buy to donate to Ronald McDonald House.
Practice your memory verse. (Isaiah 9:6 and Luke 1:37) Be ready to say it
tomorrow morning.
Prepare and practice your sharing page.
Have you returned your permission slip for our delivery trip to Ronald
McDonald House.
Put your chapel offering in your OK Notebook. You will get an envelope at
It is library tomorrow! Be sure that your library books are in your book bag.
Practice your memory verse (Luke 2:11).
Prepare and practice your sharing page.
Have you brought a gift for Ronald McDonald House?
Practice your memory verse (Luke 2:11). Be ready to say it tomorrow
Finish preparing and practicing your sharing page.
Have a great weekend!
Directions for Sharing Page
The first sentence should state what you will give.
The next two sentences should give reasons why.
Sentences should be complete sentences and written neatly and carefully.
Be sure to practice reading orally multiple times. Remember to speak with expression and use a
loud, clear voice.

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