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Sarah Hidey


Management/ Organizational

848 S. Chestnut Street

Reed City, MI 49677


Bachelors of Science in Sociology- Expected 2016

Minor in PR
Ferris State University
Deans List Spring 2013/Fall 2012
GPA 3.8/4.0
Led and organized fundraisers for The Church of the First Born grossing
$1,800 in 2014 and $1,200 in 2012.
Led and organized an event on campus of over 600 people to raise
awareness about human trafficking.
Founding member of Sociology Anthropology Student Organization (SASO)
Fall 2012-Current

Activities and Honors

President of SASO 2013- Current

The National Society of Collegiate Scholars 2012/2013
Prism Writing and Art Contest Award 2013


In charge of fundraising at the Church of the First Born 2010Current.

Talked with business owners to get gift cards and food donated,
advertised the fundraisers in the local newspapers and radio
In charge of the Helps Ministry at The Church of the First Born
Worked directly with families and individuals to provide food,
clothing, transportation, and assistance with paying utilities/rent.
Learning to speak fluent Spanish.

Work Experience

All Clean Janitorial Reed City, MI 49677 2014- Current

Promoted to site supervisor at All Clean Janitorial within three
Responsible for stock inventory, supervise cleaning crew of 4-8
employees, work directly with owner, and responsibly for locking
executives and main doors of businesses.

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