Christmas Tradition in Moldova!

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Christmas tradition in Moldova!

Christmas is one of the main Christian holidays.

History feast originated far centuries. On this day, Christians around the world honor the birth
of Jesus Christ. Some believers celebrate Christmas on December 25, and according to the
Orthodox calendar, the feast day is January 7th.
Regardless of the time, all believers look forward to Christmas. This feast is associated with
warmth, love, kindness, welfare.
Moldovans Christmas meals are loaded with traditional dishes and according to tradition, groups of
singers bring to every home news Nativity. Romanian tradition says that, immediately after the church
service, the boys must go caroling and singing carols Nativity proclaim "Star rises above".
Poke the bear Carolers bring gifts to the hosts, the traditional gift for the bread waits for boys - big coils
for kids - smaller coils, shafts, nuts and candy.
On Christmas Eve, people in villages cut pork. According to tradition, gruntling fattening for a year, is
sacrificed for women to have what cook meals and Christmas Eve. Also, on Christmas Eve, housewives
bake "Christmas" dough pieces that have a figure eight, unfinished, and put it on the wall next to the
At Christmas, the holiday table serve rcituri, Olivier salad, stuffed cabbage, prjoalele, pork sausage
and red wine.

Moldovans Christmas meals are loaded with traditional dishes and according to tradition, groups of
singers bring to every home news Nativity. Romanian tradition says that, immediately after the church
service, the boys must go caroling and singing carols Nativity proclaim "Star rises above".
Poke the bear Carolers bring gifts to the hosts, the traditional gift for the bread waits for boys - big coils
for kids - smaller coils, shafts, nuts and candy.
On Christmas Eve, people in villages cut pork. According to tradition, gruntling fattening for a year, is
sacrificed for women to have what cook meals and Christmas Eve. Also, on Christmas Eve, housewives
bake "Christmas" dough pieces that have a figure eight, unfinished, and put it on the wall next to the
At Christmas, the holiday table serve pies, Olivier salad, stuffed cabbage, pork sausage and red wine.

Valiusa Tofan

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