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India and Nepal


Here come the


Great news!
Our dear family and Friends we have great
newsWe Just booked our tickets to India
and Nepal praise the Lord, we have been
waiting to write this newsletter for two years
and finally the time has come.
On January the 16th we as a family will fly to
Nepal and India spending around four weeks
away. Over this time we plan to meet with
some mission agencies that are working on the
ground in these two countries also spending
time with those who are living in the heart of
these two beautiful cultures.


We will be back packing and staying in different areas of both countries, praying that
God will use us wherever we go. Our heart over this time is to see and feel the location
where we will them return to at the end of next year.

John 12:26
Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my
servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who
serves me.

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We are in need of your help

We couldnt be happier that God has
opened the doors for us to travel to
these counties as a family. Because we
are taking Leah with us we want to be
well organized and this means we are in
need of buying a few items. One of
them is a carry pack for Leah; right now
we have Leah standing in a bag. We are
trying to fund raise enough money to
buy a new carry pack to make travel
safe and easy with Leah. If this is
something you feel you can help with
that would be greatly appreciated.
As you all know we are in Canada, we
have been loving our time here meeting
with friends and family, Luke and Leah
are loving there first white Christmas.
Luke is still helping to run the youth
group here and is having lots of fun
with everyone, even though it is very

If supporting us for Leahs carry pack or our immunizations were something you
would like to do please give through: BMO Account number: 0809 8089408
Or you can give through E-transfer through:

Thank you for all of your love and support, please pray as we go
on this journey of faith and seeking where we feel God wants us
to live and serve in the next season of our lives. We are still on
full support and trusting God each step of the way.
God bless each of you.

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