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Firstly, I would come up with a reward system that stemmed from child B's interesL Her reward could be

journal or book on dogs, because from her interest survey she said she loved dogs. I would start off
this reward system slow and see if she could stay in her seat for about fifteen minutes. If child B can stay
in her seat then she would receive either points or stickers. Then if she was progressing positively, then I
would extend the time to thirry minutes, and then an hour. I would also want to have a signal word that
only child B and I know of, and this would remind her to stay in her seat. I would ask her if there were
any ideas that she had that would help her stay in her seat. I would also want to ask her why she leaves
her seat so often. Does she not like where she sits, or does she want to share her ideas with her
classmates more often? If I found out why she leaves her seat so often, hopefully together we can come up
with a solution that we both are satisfied with.
a dog

would monitor child B's progress through additional anecdotal records, and remind her
to stay in her seat through our signal word. I would not want to remind her every day to sit in her seat
over and over. This way is obviously notworking thus she needs something more in orderto stay in her
seat. She distracts her classmates when she is constantly out of her seat talking and she herself is not
learning effectively. Mainly, I want child B to sit in her seat so she can better learn, and receive more out
of her school experience. I would monitor this positive reinforcement strategy, and if this did not work I
would find a new stratery or a new reward that would help her most effectively.
As the teacher I


Effective Writing (5 pts)

Total: *fu_lso

6 .P

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