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Reflection 1

Standard 4.c. EDE 727

Standard 4.c. Classroom-Based Assessment for ESL. Candidates know and use
a variety of performance-based assessment tools and techniques to inform classroom
instruction. They can assess learners content-area achievement independently from their
language ability and should be able to adapt classroom tests and tasks for ELLs at varying stages
of English language and literacy development. Candidates understand that portfolios are
important tools in the assessment of ELL learning and are familiar with and can use a variety of
rubrics to assess portfolios and their individual contents. They also use peer- and selfassessment to encourage students to monitor their own learning.

For ESC 766 we created units demonstrating our understanding on how to

teach English as a Second Language through the content areas. At the end of the unit
we had to create culminating activities and provide a performance-based
assessment tool to accompany the culminating activity. For this assignment I
created a Rubric for a sixth grade ELL class that was writing reflection pieces. The
rubric outlines exactly what type of work will yield what type of grade.
In this class we learned that performance-based assessment tools help the
student self-assess their work prior to handing it in. For an ELL student this may be
more beneficial because they have a written outline of what is expected, as opposed
to just oral instruction. The use of performance-based assessment helps students
demonstrate their knowledge independently from their language ability. From my
experience thus far, learning how to create and incorporate classroom-based
assessments such as this artifact are excellent ways to evaluate and ensure that each
students intellectual, social, and even physical development is growing.
In the future I will continue to use performance-based assessments as a
means to evaluate my students because it does give the students another way to
demonstrate their knowledge without having to use heavy language input. As I
continue through my teaching career I would like to create and incorporate

performance-based and classroom-based assessments that will measure a multitude

of objectives. I believe that doing this will not only give the student a better
opportunity for success, but will help lessen the anxiety for the English language

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