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Edson Garcia

Professor Altman
English 113A
13, November 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Gregory, Anthony. Why Legalizing Organ Sales Would Help to Save Lives, End
Violence. November 9 2011. November 12, 2014. Web
In the United States, where the 1984 National Organ Transplantation Act prohibits
compensation for organ donating, there are only about 20,000 kidneys every year for the
approximately 80,000 patients on the waiting list. In 2008, nearly 5,000 died waiting.
The act was passed that prohibited the sale for organs, which could go either ways. There
are more people dying then there are is donors, the wait is real. This quote is reliable
because it shows statistics of how many people are waiting for a kidney. This is part of
my objective because in it could show people the number of people waiting. This fits
into my research by first of all its part of topic, its what Im arguing about. I would help
people understand more on how serious this is, and how by selling organs we would
saves lives.
MacKay, Joanna. Organ Sales Will Save Lives. The Norton Field Guide To Writing
With Readings. Daunted by the low odds, some have turned to an alternative solution:
purchasing kidneys on the black market. For about $150,000, they can buy a fresh kidney
from a healthy, living donor. There are no lines, no waits. Pushed by their limits people
turn to Plan B, and purchase a Kidney from the Black Market. For a reasonable price you
could have a brand new kidney, with no waits or lines. Its reliable because its straight

from the text of the book. Its also really useful because I could use this as a counter
argument. This fits into my research by showing an alterative way to buying a kidney
thats illegal, and then using it to my advantage. If something gos wrong during the
process you cant doing about because its the black market, but if the government could
regulate it things would be a lot different. (120)
Andre, Claire. Velasquez, Manuel. Kidneys for Sale. November 12,
2014. Web. Given the vast number of people who would be willing to part with their
organs for a price, those needing organs will have a much greater chance of getting
healthier or better matched ones, increasing the number of successful transplants. If we
put a price on organs, then a lot more people would be happy to give them. We would
have better matches, and better transplants. This is useful because it relates to one of my
topics that I will write about. Its also reliable because it shows the positive side of organ
sales, its the best of both worlds. As I use this as one of my evidences for my one of
my points, as I talk about now, and with if selling organs was legal. Not only is it better
legal, but also once people get over that its morally wrong to sell organs then will have
more lives being saved.
MacKay, Joanna. Organ Sales Will Save Lives. The Norton Field Guide To Writing
With Readings. Regulation would also protect the buyers. Because of the need for
secrecy, the current illegal method of obtaining a kidney has no contracts and therefore
no guarantees. (123) With regulation the buyer would be protected. With the illegal way
people arent guaranteed if something gos wrong. This is useful because its part of my
topic, in order to support my topic I need this evidence. Its also reliable because it all

goes back to the text its in the book. This fits my research by supporting one of my
topics; if the government regulates this then people wouldnt turn to the Black market.
People know if they wait too long their time might run out, so they turn to an alternative

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