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How did the U.S.

justify Westward
expansion between 1815 and 1860?

American Progress by John Gast, 1872

Era of Manifest Destiny (1840s &50s)

Enthusiasm for expansion based on belief in:
1. Virtue of American people and their institutions
2. God-given mission to spread these institutions,
remaking the world in the image of US
3. Fueled by racial arrogance
[It is our] manifest destiny to overspread and possess the whole of the continent which Providence has
given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federative development of selfgovernment entrusted to us. It is a right such as that of the tree to the space of air and the earth suitable for
the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth - John OSullivan, 1845 newspaper article

Why Now?
Post-War of 1812 nationalism
empowerment of the Jacksonian democratic era
Second Great Awakening and affiliated reform
movements (fed beliefs of cultural superiority)
BUT ULTIMATELY, Economic and National
Security Interests - ie. exhaustion of good lands,
Panic of 1837

Texas The Lone Star Republic

US settlement increased after

Mexican Revolution (1821)
Moral/cultural conflicts b/w Tejanos (US
settlers) and Mexicans over slavery and
Tejanos gain independence in 1836 (after first
being defeated at the Alamo),
Texans force Gen. Santa Ana to sign Treaties
of Velasco, setting TX border at Rio Grande
and recognizing TX independence

Treaties of
Velasco set
border of
at the Rio

Political Divisions over Expansion

1844 election
Democratic candidate James K. Polk supported

expansionist plans, ie. annex. of TX and OR (supported

by planters and some freesoilers)
Campaign slogan: 54-40 or Fight!

Political Divisions over Expansion

Whig candidate Henry Clay cautioned about war
with Mexico or Britain; feared the spread of
Liberty Party (3rd party)
candidate James G.
Birney - supported by
abolitionists and freesoilers

After Polks victory

1845 - Pres. Tyler
annexed Texas
1846 - Polk negotiated
with Britain to set
boundary of
Oregon/Britain at
49th parallel

The Oregon
(modern day
parts of Idaho,
and Wyoming)

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