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ummer Kelly

bigail Wright
lysa Wilson

Cre tive


nne Heiser

Marc 360 Advertising Professor Amelia Reigstad

May 15, 2014

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Situation Analysis and Strategic Research
Market Research
Product Research
SWOT Analysis

Advertising Campaign Objectives

Target Audience
Statement of Communication

Creative Strategy
Message Format
Motivational Appeal
Rough Ads

Media Strategy and Planning

Media Objectives
Media Schedule

Evaluation Strategy
Media Strategy

Reference Page







Executive Summary

Project Background
In an in-class interview with Jen Vail of YogaFresh, we learned that YogaFreshs current audience
consists mainly of women age 28 to 45. Because many of these women are mothers with school-aged
children, YogaFresh sees high seasonal fluctuations in business throughout the year. In addition, Jen has
mainly generated brand awareness using a strong on-line presence, through the YogaFresh website; its
Facebook page; its blog; and through sites such as Groupon and Living Social. Additional advertising
efforts include radio ads, direct mail postcards, and community event sponsorships. She explained that she
would like to try TV advertising and outdoor advertising with a billboard. Jens end goal is to reach more
clients: she would like to retain her loyal clients while generating interest in new clients.
To meet the needs of YogaFresh, we developed the Refine your body, Refresh your soul advertising
campaign to reach a missing demographic: women aged 45 to 69 living in Woodbury, MN. These healthy,
active women have the interest, the financial resources, and the time to commit to yoga practice. We aim
to reach this target market through media channels not previously used by YogaFresh channels that our
target market uses on a regular basis, including Woodbury Bulletin, Minnesota Monthly, Yoga Journal,
Star Tribune, Cities 97, WCCO 830, and KARE 11 News. We will also place a billboard on 694/94.
By reaching a missing demographic and using alternative advertising methods, Our Refine your body,
Refresh your soul ad campaign is designed to increase class attendance; increase memberships; improve
membership retention; enhance brand awareness and brand differentiation; expand target market
opportunities; and provide long-term, season-long usership to increase demand during off-peak cycles.

Our Objectives for this ad campaign is to increase unique website viewership from 1000 unique viewers to
2000 viewers in a given month. We hope our campaign would generate $12, 480 in new revenue each
month for Yoga Fresh. Increase Facebook Likes by 30%. Increase studio classes by 27%. Increase
telephone calls made to YogaFresh by 33%. Our six-month plan is to increase total participation by 34%.
This 34% increase will be measured by the increase of the five programs we will be highlighting in our
advertisements. We will be highlighting Yoga Freshs great customer service, as well as their vast class

Logic and Structure

We will be using Refine Your Body, Refresh Your Soul as the main slogan for YogaFreshs ad
campaign. We believe that this slogan, as it is inspired by YogaFreshs Refresh Your Body, Refresh
Your Mind, will be more effective to the audience we are targeting. Since our audience is older than
those that currently attend YogaFresh, we wanted to use the word Refine because our audience is going
through biological changes that they might feel like they need refinement in their lives. The logic behind
using Soul instead of Mind was because we wanted to make them feel a deeper connection to
themselves and the human experience.
The Structure for the advertisements will be a simple structure of calm colors and minimal wording. All of
the ads will have a picture of a woman or a man in the age range of 45-69 years old. They will be real
people in obtainable yoga poses. We did not want our audience to feel intimidated by YogaFresh. All of
our ads in all media forms are very light hearted and express being a part of something bigger than

To have these advertisements be effective we recommend having the images and the ad campaign be
inviting and inclusive to our unique demographic. We can accomplish this by using upbeat music in our
video and radio ads, and having calming images in our print advertisements.

Situation Analysis/Strategic Research

The Organization
Yoga Fresh Yoga Studio
Located in Woodbury, MN (9020 Hudson Rd #402, Woodbury, MN)
Yoga Fresh was started by Jen Vail, in 2007. Jens journey started back in 1996, when she found the
passion to incorporate her love for dance and yoga. She wanted to start a company that could be a place
for people to come, and cross train and increase their flexibility by incorporating yoga. Yoga Fresh was
the first yoga studio to come to the Woodbury area. Yoga Fresh also received Best Yoga Studio, by the
Woodbury Magazine. They have been doing so well, that there is talk of opening up a second location.
Yoga Freshs mission is to offer Woodbury and surrounding areas a place where everyone can have an
opportunity to learn and benefit from yoga. Their slogan is refresh your body, refresh your soul. They
also have some other little phrases like one intention, many practices.
Yoga Fresh is not your average yoga studio. Yoga Fresh is an intimate studio with a more personal
experience. They are not a chain like their competitor Core Power, which has numerous locations all
over the United States. Since the owner, Jen Vail, is also a licensed teacher you can get a different
experience you might not have at another studio.
Yoga Fresh also has a wide variety of classes, intended for all ages. Some courses offered at Yoga Fresh
you wont find at another studio. For example, there is Kids Yoga, Barre Burn, Twilight Flow, Momma
pre-postnatal Yoga, and Gentle Chair Yoga. You can find more classes in the appendices A.1 and A.2.
Yoga Fresh has high quality teachers that all go through extensive Yoga Alliance training before being
allowed to teach for Jen. Yoga fresh is also a great place for people to cross-train and receive that extra
training to add to their routine. They also have the energy exchange program. Which is also offered at
their competitor, but its an opportunity for yogis that are students, or on a budget. By cleaning the
studio a specified amount, they receive free yoga, for their services.
Yoga Fresh has a great marketing presence already. They have a Facebook consisting of 930 likes, and a
rating of 4.8 out of 5 possible stars. Check out the appendices to see how their Facebook looks, A.3.
They also send out Newsletters via email. Filled with tons of great information, explaining what is
happening in the studio for that month, also special fun classes that are going to be happening. They
even offered a free water bottle when you brought in the coupon from the newsletter. You can see the
coupon from their newsletter in appendices, A.4. They have also done radio ads on MyTalk. Yoga Fresh
has also offered numerous deals on Groupon for beginner packages. They also have testimonials that
switch every time you click on a new page, on their website. See image A.5. Yoga fresh also has post
cards that they have sent out, and are located in their studio.

Yoga Fresh has a very minimal budget, if any, to spend on marketing or advertising. All of the marketing
aspects, including social media, are done by Jen herself, or other employees at the studio. They have
never used an ad agency, and because of their budget they most likely will not ever use one. Yoga fresh
already has amazing marketing objectives. However, they could use some additional mediums to add to
the mix. Also another down fall is that they have a very tiny studio, and no real locker room for
customers to shower or change.
Yoga Freshs strengths are as follows- They already have a great Facebook page that is updated
frequently, to keep viewers engaged. Their monthly e-newsletter is also great at reaching their
existing customers. Groupon is also a great way to get new members into their studio, and try their
Their weaknesses are their advertising budget is basically none existent. They are missing out different
mediums that could help boost their brand awareness. Having ads in local magazines and yoga magazines,
also having a billboard could boost their awareness and new customers.

Market Research
According to, Yoga is a practical aid, not a religion.
Yoga is an ancient art based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind, and spirit. The
continued practice of yoga will lead you to a sense of peace and well-being, and also a feeling of being at
one with their environment. This is a simple definition. The practice of yoga makes the body strong and
flexible; it also improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems.
Yoga brings about emotional stability and clarity of mind. Has been around for over 3,000 years, but has
become a recent life style here in the United States. There are tons of health benefits that you can receive
from yoga. See picture A.6 in the appendices for more health benefits.
Yoga Freshs biggest competition is Core Power Yoga. A close third is Lifetime Fitness, which now offers
a wide variety of classes. There is also Energy Pilates Fitness Yoga, Life Power, and the YMCA, in the
Woodbury area. All classes offer an array of yoga classes but Core Power is very similar. They offer an
introductory month for new members. They also offer a free week, to try out their studio. Core Power and
Yoga Fresh both partake in the Energy Exchange program. Both studios offer unique boutique items, for
both men and women. Core Power has teamed up with Lulu Lemon, where Yoga Fresh does not offer that
particular brand.
Core Powers strengths are that theyre a large company that has numerous studios throughout the
country, which helps support their reputation. They also have a lot of the same marketing strategies as
Yoga Fresh. They have a well put together website and Facebook page. They also have an app. That
allows you to look at the classes for that day. Core Power has very nice locker rooms for both males
and females. They also have a shower features that isnt offered at Yoga Fresh. Their studio is also on
the smaller side but is a lot larger compared to YogaFresh.
Their weaknesses are that their prices are higher than Yoga Fresh. See image A. 7 in the appendices. They
also have a three-month commitment if you want to receive the membership discount. A downside is they
dont offer a wide array of classes that yoga Fresh offers.

Product Research
Like I stated in section A. part V. Yoga Fresh has tons of classes and numerous benefits of partaking in
Yoga. You can see all the different classes they offer in images A.1 and A.2. Yoga fresh has an
introductory month for 39 dollars. Other prices can be found in the appendices in image A. 8 and A.9.
Yoga Fresh all offers teacher-training courses, for customers to become certified and teach yoga. Jen
brings in the mentor for the classes, who is a world-renowned yogi. They also offer free workshops, at
least once a month. This allows people a chance to try out a class at no expense and see if they want to
practice at YogaFresh, or if they even want to incorporate yoga into their routine.

Summary SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Yoga fresh already has a great marketing presence. They also have relevant and
interesting content on their Facebook page, which is fun for followers. A monthly newsletter and
periodic emails to customers is a great way to keep them up to date with new classes, and products
at Yoga Fresh.
Weaknesses: Having only two main forms of advertising is impressions wasted. Even though they
have a minimal budget, if they could find a way to incorporate a few more mediums, such as an
Instagram, Twitter, billboard ad, radio ad, or even T.V. commercial could help boost their sales, and
increase memberships.

Opportunities: Having more marketing and advertising out in the area, would help increase brand
aware- ness and increase new customers from joining yoga fresh. They also could make more profit
essentially. Gaining more customers and memberships, profit would rise and Jen could potentially
start her journey in opening up another studio.
Threats: Potential threats would be the minimal budget and time. In order to increase brand
awareness and increase your marketing presence you need to have more money to put forth.
Having a minimal bud- get doesnt allow Jen to take advantage of different medium that cost more
money. Also Jen is the owner and teacher so time to invest in other marketing strategies could be a
lot to juggle, unless she hired an ad agency. But again we have the issue of minimal budget.

Advertising Campaign Objectives

Statement of Communication
Our advertising campaign Refine Your Body, Refresh Your Soul is aimed at a total population of
10,697. This population is made up of women, age 45 to 69, who live in Woodbury, MN. The women of
this demographic have higher incomes and lead healthy, active lifestyles to maintain long-term wellbeing.
Our campaign message will enhance brand awareness and further define YogaFreshs brand image to drive
sales through inquiries, class participation, and memberships.
3-Month Plan: Through emotional message appeals, we aim to enhance brand awareness by an average
of 47%. This enhanced awareness will be measured by the increase in unique visitors over four
categories: the YogaFresh website, Facebook likes, telephone contacts, and location visits.

Website Objective: To increase unique visitors by 100%, from 1000 unique visitors per month to 2000
per month. YogaFresh has a comprehensive, user-friendly website that contains important in- formation
about classes, memberships, and offers. By increasing the number of unique visitors to the site each
month, YogaFresh will likely see an increase in program trials and gain greater membership retention.

Facebook Objective: To increase YogaFresh page likes by 30%, from 928 to 1206. Research from shows a 41% increase in Facebook users ages 35 to 54, and an 80% increase in users
ages 55+ (Brumley, 2014). This significant growth in usership of YogaFreshs new demographic
provides the opportunity to generate additional program awareness and create deeper connections with
YogaFresh enthusiasts.

Telephone Objective: To increase new customer telephone calls by 33%, from 60 new calls per
month to 80 new calls per month.

YogaFresh Studio Visit Objective: To increase new customer studio visits by 27%, from 56 new
customers per month to 71 new customers per month.

Financial Objective: To generate $12, 480 in new customer revenue each month. This can be
achieved by converting 10% (about 320 people) of those that take the call-to-action into active
participants as they register for one class, join the free beginners workshop and move on to become a
new member, or register for the $39 introductory month of yoga.

6-Month Plan: Through our Refine Your Body, Refresh Your Soul ad campaign, we aim to increase
audience participation by an average 34%. This increase in participation will be measured by the
increase in participation over 5 categories: memberships, daily class participation, 5-Class packages,10Class packages, and the introductory month of unlimited yoga.

Membership Objective: To increase membership purchases by 25%, from 160 members to 200
members. With the interest, time, and financial resources, our target market has the most potential to
provide YogaFresh with long-term, season-long usership and to increase demand during off-peak

Daily Participation Objective: To increase daily class participation by 25%, from 120 daily class
participants to 150 daily class participants. This increase would balance the seasonal fluctuations that
YogaFresh currently sees in class participation.

5-Class Package Objective: To increase 5-Class Package purchases by 43%, from 7 monthly
purchases to 10 monthly purchases.

10-Class Package Objective: To increase 10-Class Package purchases by 43%, from 7 monthly
purchases to 10 monthly purchases.

Introductory Month of Unlimited Yoga Objective: To increase this program participation by 35%,
from 28 participants each month to gain 38 participants each month. Many of those that participate in
this program return to purchase the unlimited monthly yoga membership. YogaFresh would see an
increase in program revenue from new customers, as well as generating additional revenue from new
customers who become loyal members.

Final Objective: To generate an additional $20,000 in revenue each month through an increase in
membership rates, daily class participation rates, package purchases, and introductory month of yoga

Creative Strategy

Message Idea

The advertising message will focus on the experiences and benefits YogaFresh brings its members
because we believe that is the best way to promote your business. By tying in customer benefits
with the brands image and personality, our aim is to have potential customers not only attribute
these benefits to doing yoga, but to more specifically attribute them to YogaFresh itself.

We really like YogaFreshs current tagline: Refresh your body, Refresh your mind. The focus in
the wording is on refresh, which is a great way to describe and position your business in the
market. The relation- ship is made between Yoga-Fresh and re-fresh, and is very effective in
tying in your business with the feelings and experiences you aim to bring your members.

While we want to maintain the strengths of your current tagline, we feel like a small tweak in the
wording will send your message even better. Not only will this small tweak ensure that the
message stays true to the current YogaFresh branding, but it will also make the message flow a
little smoother while better representing the benefits your members receive. The new YogaFresh
tagline will become:

Refine Your Body, Refresh Your Soul

This is a message that we think fits perfectly with the YogaFresh brand and communicates exactly
what YogaFresh is all about. The wording rolls right off the tongue, and it lets everybody know
why they should choose YogaFresh.

Message Format
When brainstorming our ad campaign, we decided that going with a light-hearted, up-beat tone would be
the best way to communicate our message. We wanted our message to be friendly, welcoming, and to
cause a sense of relaxation. With our radio and video ads, we chose to include a song that helps to
further reach this goal.
Many of our ads depict yoga in ways that incorporate nature. These images give a sense of calm and
relaxation. Integrating images of nature with our ads is not only a very effective way to help evoke these
feelings, but it is also a great way to depict yoga so that the viewers can visualize the benefits it can
provide. A serious yet friendly atmosphere will be accompanying these images so as to elicit the types of
feelings we are aiming for from the viewer.

Motivational Appeal
In our campaign, we decided to go with a mix of both rational and emotional appeals. Many of our ads
use a rational appeal to emphasize the benefits one can receive with a YogaFresh membership. For these
ads, we utilized economic and functional appeals to highlight these benefits and to point out some of the
unique features of YogaFresh (friendly environment, suitable for yogis of all skill/experience levels, a
variety of classes, etc.)
Some of our ads used emotional appeals to associate positive feelings (calm, relaxing, refreshing,
rejuvenating, playful, etc.) with the YogaFresh brand. These ads utilized humor/play on words, music,
adventure, social, and personal appeals to achieve this goal. We believe that using such a wide variety of
appeals (along with combining a few here and there) is the best way to reach our audience.


Rough Ads
The majority of the print ads to be used throughout this campaign (appendix B, Figures 1.x) focus on the
new YogaFresh tagline Refine Your Body, Refresh Your Soul and incorporate images involving yoga
poses and/ or nature. The poses and depictions of nature help to set the calming/relaxing mood we are
looking for.
One of our print ads uses a humor appeal by showing an older man holding a yoga pose in which his foot
is extended toward the camera with the caption Isnt it about time to put your best foot forward? This
image is funny and the image cuts through the clutter. Along with humor, this ad also gives the reader a
call to action.
Most of our print ads show our target demographic (women aged 45-69) in various yoga poses to portray
the message that YogaFresh is for everyone. When you think of yoga, you picture a college-aged woman
strolling into the studio with her Starbucks cup in one hand and her smartphone in the other (I mean, you
have to tweet every time you work out, right?). What we want to do is change this image to include all
age groups, and highlighting our target demographic will achieve this goal.
The billboard we came up with (appendix B, Figure 2) shows a woman holding a yoga pose, but the
womans entire silhouette is composed of colorful leaves/branches. This incorporation of nature with
yoga presents a strong image that cuts through the clutter, and the color choices were made to evoke the
feeling that yoga is a calming, soothing, and relaxing experience.
The TV/video ad for this campaign (appendix C, Figure 1) uses imagery to show how yoga and nature
are closely related. The video starts with the image of a woman holding a yoga pose in front of a tree,
and gradually the woman fades out to show that the tree behind her looks remarkably similar to that
yoga pose. In a world so dominated by technology, relating yoga to nature like this is a great way to cut
through the clutter and appeal to naturists as well as to people who just want to disconnect from the
virtual world and get in touch with something a little more calming and natural.
The radio ad (appendix C, Figure 2) uses a song by local musician Jon Atwell that is upbeat, fun, and
puts the listener in a great mood. The music will fade out (in volume) a little while a brief spoken
advertisement for YogaFresh is played over top of it (explaining what YogaFresh is and where it is
located). We chose this format for the radio ad because most people will change the station as soon as
an ad comes on. Our aim is that the usage of Jon Atwells song will keep people listening along and
enjoying the music. Then the brief spoken component of the ad will tell the listener what they need to
know about YogaFresh in as little time as possible, which will keep them from changing the station and
keep them in the upbeat mood caused by the music.
Our entire advertising campaign holds true to the same central idea: appeal to the female 45-69 year old
demographic, keeping the mood upbeat and friendly, and the tone calm and relaxing. We want the
viewers to associate all of these positive feeling with yoga and YogaFresh itself, and that is what these
ads will do.


Media Planning

Minnesota Monthlys audience is mostly women; 73% of its readers are female. The magazine also reaches
an older demographic, as the median age of the reader is 53. Specifically, 26% of its audience is ages 44-54.
These readers are highly educated, as 63% of the magazines readers are college graduates. Minnesota
Monthlys readers engage in spending time with each issues: 88% of them read 3 of 4 issues, and 78% pass
their issue along to someone else. The readers influence those around them and shop. Our campaign will
utilize this media during the months of January and May. These issues are both dedicated to Wellness, with
May emphasizing Womens Wellness.
The audience for Yoga Journal magazine is 16,389,000 people. 2,279 million people read every issue of
Yoga Journal and 12,000 people attend Yoga Journals five events in major markets. The median Age is 47.5.
We would run the Ad in the September Special Issue Yoga For Beginners. September is a time for
everyone; no matter what life stage you are, to start a new routine. This issue of Yoga For Beginners
reinforces this behavior.
Cities 97 radio station reaches a wide female audience: 59% are women that are college educated, have
disposable incomes, are active in the community and are music fans. Woodbury falls in local coverage for
Cities97. As this ad will play 3 times per day, 3 times a week for 4 months, our campaign will enhance
awareness through repetition.
KARE 11 television station reaches over 600,000 people in 1 week. Our demographic is likely to be home
watching News at 5 and local programing on KARE 11 until 7pm. To reach our target audience, our
campaign will air during this time. December, January, and February offer display rates that prove a
majority of audiences watch this early evening programing.


Media Strategy

Evaluation Strategy
To pre-test our campaign we will be taking multiple steps to ensure we have achieved our objectives.
We will measure how many memberships that Yoga Fresh has before we implement our campaign,
and compare that to the amount of memberships there are after.
When new members to Yoga Fresh sign up for a membership or come to a single class, they
will be asked to fill out a form. The form will ask the question of, How did you hear about
With this information we will be able to understand which aspect of our campaign was the
most effective.
For our print advertisements, we will have coupons for the audience to cut out. In each
print advertisement we will make slight adjustments on the coupon so we will be able to
see how many coupons came from which advertisement.
We will evaluate the profits for the month before our campaign, and compare that to the
profits in the month following our campaign.
We will look over our goals that we intended to complete for the campaign, and see if
we have reached those.
To evaluate our media strategy, we intend to complete the following on our social media.
We will measure the increase in the amount of likes on the Yoga Fresh Facebook page. ---We will compare the amount of likes before our campaign, and after
We will record the number of website views and interaction before our campaign, and
compare that to the numbers of our campaign



We have designed an effective and efficient ad campaign in order to solve our clients needs to expand and
expose them to an unreached demographic. All of our design and concepts are created with inclusive and friendly
vibes. We accurately portray our client and their objectives by featuring older woman in our advertisements and
displaying the special offerings that YogaFresh delivers. We solve Yoga Freshs current advertising problems by
displaying and playing our ads in mediums that YogaFresh is not currently taking advantage of. Our ads will be
in magazines, billboards, newspaper, television, and radio. The ads are specifically designed to intrigue our
consumers to learn more about YogaFresh.


Appendix A









Appendix B

Figure 1.1 YogaFresh Rough Ad

Figure 1.3 YogaFresh Rough Ad

Figure 1.2 YogaFresh Rough Ad

Figure 1.4 YogaFresh Rough Ad

Figure 1.6 YogaFresh Final Ad

Figure 1.5 YogaFresh Rough Ad

Figure 1.7 YogaFresh Final Ad

Figure 2 YogaFresh Billboard

Appendix C
Figure 1
Tv Script: YogaFresh, Refine your body, refresh your soul.

Figure 2
Music by Jon Atwell in the background
Radio ad script: YogaFresh, Refine your body refresh your soul. Woodbury Minnesota.

References Facebook Users Are Getting Older

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