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Internship Reflection 5

Describe what you noticed about how your intern teacher elicits student ideas and
encourages participation from all students. Think really carefully about types of
questions asked, how the teacher responds (just evaluates or probes further), if
there are any norms set up for discussion, and WHO is participating.
My IMT distinguished an atmosphere in the classroom from day one that
participation is appreciated whether the answers or ideas provided are correct or
not. When students make mistakes, she uses it as an opportunity to learn. When
students offer short or confusing responses, she asks them to elaborate or clarify.
Our honors students are typically eager to participate, but our regular students
usually need more coaxing. She alternates between asking for volunteers and using
cold calls. She has established basic rules in the classroom regarding students'
behaviors and attitudes toward one another in response to what others share.
Students are encouraged to respond to one another and express their opinions, but
they must do so in an appropriate manner. Creating this atmosphere helps students
to be more open to sharing their ideas with one another. Typically participation
takes the form of teacher initiation-student response-teacher evaluation. Students
are given a chance to share ideas and give each other feedback during group
discussions, but most of the class-wide "discussions" involve my IMT asking
questions and the students providing answers.

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