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Daniella Goodman

Lesson: Social Studies

Unit of Study: Feelings/Emotions
Goal of Lesson (Common Core State Standards/Division of Early Childhood where appropriate)
With prompting and support, students will be able to ask and answer questions about key details in a text (CCSS.ELALITERACY.RI.K.1, 2014)

Students will be able to actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding (CCSS.ELALITERACY.RI.K.10, 2014)

Students will be able to expressively recall 3 facts about Martin Luther King Jr.

Students will be able to write 2 questions they want to have answered, pertaining to MLK Jr.

Teacher will ask prompting questions to discern students prior knowledge of Martin Luther King Jr.

Teacher will present a premade PowerPoint reviewing brief details about Martin Luther King Jr. (after students are prompted to recall
their own information)

Teacher will use a student roster list of their group and check off tally marks next to each students name for every fact recalled
(objective goal is for at least 3 facts)

Teacher will use pre-made small group worksheets to assess students attempts at writing 2 questions they wish to have answered
pertaining to MLK Jr. and his lifes work (please see below lesson plan for an example of the worksheet)

Teacher will collect worksheets for student portfolios

Martins Big Words, by Doreen Rappaport

Pre-made PowerPoint with brief details on MLK Jr.s life

Small group activity student roster

Pre-made student worksheets for 2 questions furthering knowledge base about MLK Jr.



20 mini whiteboards (for a hard surface when students are writing on their worksheets in the rug areas)

computer learning center (at least 3 desktop computers)

Use of Technology:
Teacher will use pre-made PowerPoint over the Smartboard to assess/teach prior knowledge for lesson

Small group C will use the computer learning center during activity time (please see lesson implementation for further details)

Modifying up students working at a higher literacy level will be asked to work on the computer to type their 3 recalled facts
Modifying down students needing scaffolding will be able to have their 2 questions dictated on the worksheet by a teacher
Modifying across Leo: individual behavioral plan calls for a planned ignore when off-task, positive praise when on-task
o Will be given 1:1 support throughout the lesson

*please see lesson implementation for further detail on leveled groupings

Seating Configuration/Use of Physical Space:
Students will be seated at the morning meeting rug for lesson implementation (facing the Smartboard) and read-aloud

Students will be divided into 3 small groups during activity time: group A morning meeting rug, group B activity table #5, group C
secondary blue rug/computer learning center

*please see lesson implementation below for further details on student configuration
Teaching roles and collaboration:
Head teacher will be at the front of the classroom leading initial PowerPoint presentation and read-aloud

Head teacher will lead group A during small groups activity time, while also offering Leo 1:1 support within group A

Lauren will lead small group B during activity time

Elyse will be with small group C stationed at the computer learning center

Classroom Management:
Leo: Will be ignored while not working on task, and prompted to sit in his seat if
o Will be given attention and positive praise for on-task behaviors
o Will be given 1:1 support from head teacher when exhibiting on-task behaviors during small group activity time

Students will be verbally prompted and praised as needed for motivation of completing worksheet and recall tasks

Teachers will use positive reinforcement to encourage students engagement and participation to remain on-task and attending

Teachers will ignore functionally negative/attention seeking behaviors, reinforcing positive interaction and attention to the lesson

Engagement of students/anticipatory set/Motivation:

Students will be motivated to attend to lesson implementation due to engagement of PowerPoint presentation

Students will be motivated to keep on-task for potential use of computer learning centers

Connection to Previous lesson/Prior Knowledge:

Students will use prior learned vocabulary pertaining to feelings to answer prompting questions throughout the read-aloud
Lesson Presentation
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Teacher will ask students prompting questions about prior knowledge of Martin Luther King Jr.
o Eg. Thumbs up if youve ever heard of Martin Luther King Jr.
o Teacher will then ask students with thumbs up to share what they have heard about him
o Teacher will ask 2-3 students for responses, then move to the presentation!

Teacher will show overview of PowerPoint presentation (first few slides) to give some foundational knowledge before read-aloud

Teacher will read the book Martins Big Words, by Doreen Rappaport
o Embedded prompts and questions throughout the book focusing on feelings to practice unit theme vocabulary
o Eg. how do you think he felt when _____ happened? or, turn and talk to your neighbor and tell each other 1 feeling you
have about MLK Jr. so far

AFTER read-aloud, teacher will continue to present premade PowerPoint going over basic facts from the book
o Eg. raise your hand if you can tell me where MLK Jr. was born then teacher will display the answer on the smartboard
etc. (PowerPoint will present questions and multiple choice answers to help students recall information and be actively
engaged in the review)

Guided Practice/Active Involvement/Small group work/Independent Practice

Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Head teacher, Group A (modified down/across grouping), morning meeting rug: Students will be asked to recall 3 facts about
the read-aloud, responses will be tallied by the small group leader on the student roster
o Teachers will ask students to recall their 3 facts and tally the info in between students working on their question worksheet

Lauren, Group B (on-level literacy grouping), table #5: Students will be asked to recall 3 facts about the read-aloud, responses
will be tallied by the small group leader on the student roster
o Teachers will ask students to recall their 3 facts and tally the info in between students working on their question worksheet

Students will be working on pre-made worksheets asking to write 2 questions they want to know more about pertaining to
Students needing further scaffolding will be allowed to have their questions dictated by small group leader

Students will be working on pre-made worksheets asking to write 2 questions they want to know more about pertaining to

Elyse, Group C (modified up grouping), secondary rug/computer learning center: Students will be asked to use the computer
learning center to type at least 3 facts about the read-aloud, responses will be printed and saved for portfolio work.

Students will be working on pre-made worksheets asking to write 2 questions they want to know more about pertaining to

Final Summary/Closure
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Head teacher will indicate a 5-minute warning

At the 5-minute warning group leaders will ask students to put down what they are working on (leeway is ok here to finish last
minute work) and share 1 fact they recalled about MLK Jr., and 1 question they had about something they wanted to learn more about

Homework: students will be given a copy of the brief PowerPoint overview to bring home and share with their parents. There will be
prompting questions embedded in the printout going home, and students will fill out the answers to the questions with the help of their

*Please see next page for pre-made worksheet example

The following is an example of the worksheet used in this lesson plans small group
activity time:

Name: __________________________________________

I want to know.






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