Essay 2 English 100

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Jennifer Sandoval

Professor Perea
English 100
October 20, 2014
Free Speech VS. Sensitive People :
Hate Speech Should be Protected by The First Amendment
In the Constitution amendments were written to grant all citizens of
the united states certain freedoms, the first Amendment being Freedom of
Speech. Now, Freedom of speech is a very controversial topic to most people
because of what some people choose to speak about. For years many people
have argued back and forth on whether hate speech should be regulated, for
example online or even publicly speaking it . Some even go as far as
questioning if it should even be protected by the first amendment or not.
Should people be able to speak their hate about someone else because of
their race, religion, or sexual orientation and be protected by the first
Amendment? People can argue all day long about this topic and try to get
others to agree with them and get them to see how the other person is
wrong. But, the truth is that there is no wrong or right answer because
everyone thinks differently and has their reasons to. Whether you like it or
not hate speech is freedom of speech and should be protected by the first

Everyone has the right to have different opinions, and we should all be
able to freely share them. No two people are the same, everyone is different
wether its the way they dress , look, talk, or think. Everyone feels differently
about topics for example hate speech, just because some people think it
shouldn't be protected by the first amendment doesn't mean we all have to
think that way. Sandy Starr in his article Hate Speech on the Internet
Should Not Be Regulated states, The principle of free speech benefits us
all, from the mainstream to the margin, and invites us to make the case for
what we see as the truth. In other words, freedom of speech which is the
first amendment allows everyone wether they are known or just small voices
on the side line state their opinions and try to tell people the reasons for
why they believe in what they do.
No one is forced to do anything they do not want to, especially not
what to listen to. As we grow we start discovering what our interests are ,
we choose what TV shows to watch, what music to listen to, and what to let
influence us. If something does not appeal to you then you have the power
to ignore it . For instance with hate speech, people can verbally express their
hate and those who want to listen to it can but if you don't agree then you
also have the power to ignore it. Since everyone can choose not to listen to
other peoples opinions then those who speak of hate towards others because
of their race religion and sexual orientation shouldn't be punished for using

their First Amendment right. The First Amendment gives us all freedom of
speech, no where in the Constitution did our Founding Fathers say that
everyone must listen to something they do not agree with.
Everyone has heard the old English rhyme Sticks and stones may
break my bones but words will never hurt me at least once in their life.
What that means is you can do all you want to physically hurt someone but
any insults you say to them will not effect them. That is a perfect example of
why hate speech should be protected by the first amendment because, hate
speech is just words that does not physically hurt anyone. Wendy Kaminer in
her essay Attempts to Limit Free Speech Online Can Lead to Repressive
Solutions states, [V]iolent rhetoric does not equal violent action. In other
words what she is saying is, ignorant words such as hate speech do not
equal physical harm. People should be able to speak their mind freely, it may
offend others but it isn't hurting them physically so no one has the right to
Although Hate Speech is a subject that brings up different opinions
and discussions, it doesn't mean it shouldn't be protected by the First
Amendment. FirsEveryone should be able to express their opinions freely
and not be punished for it. Next, people have the choice to listen to others
opinions and thoughts or to ignore it if they do not agree with it. Lastly, If
hate speech does not bring any physical harm to people then why shouldn't

it be protected by the first amendment? The First Amendment grants us all
the ability to speak whatever we desire, wether its telling someone you love
them or you hate them and should be protected .

Work Cited
1.Starr, Sandy. "Hate Speech on the Internet Should Not Be Regulated." The
Media Freedom Internet Cookbook.
Vienna, Austria: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
(OSCE), 2004. Rpt. in Civil Liberties. Ed. Roman Espejo.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.
2.Kaminer, Wendy. "Attempts to Limit Free Speech Online Can Lead to
Repressive Solutions." Civil Liberties. Ed. Nol Merino.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from
"Stamp Out Online Misogyny?" The Atlantic (10 Nov. 2011).
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.

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