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Lesson Plan Title: It All Started With a Human

Date: September 28, 2014

Number of Days Covered: 2
Subject: Science
Grade: Kindergarten
Standards Addressed:
Living things have basic needs, which are met by obtaining materials from the physical
Specific Observable/ Measurable Learning Objectives:
Students will understand why it is important to respect and take care of nature
Students will discover what happens when humans are careless
Students will discover ways to help protect the environment
Introduce Content:
Ask students what they do once they are finished with something. Do they throw it away?
Do they throw it on the ground? Do they give it to an adult? Etc.
Ask students how they would feel if someone threw trash all over their bedroom. Would
they like it or would they ask for someone to throw their trash away?
Required Materials:
Bulletin board paper
Students Background/ Prior Knowledge/ Experience:
Ask students if they know what it means to litter

Ask students if they know what is means to recycle

Main Ideas:
Students should be concerned about their environment and know that things happen when
we do not take care of the world that we live in.

Key Vocabulary:
Pollution, littering, recycling
Motivational Strategy/ Anticipatory Set:
Introduce Freddy the Fish and tell students that he is upset that humans have put trash all
in his home
Develop Content:
Explain to students the cycle of water life chart, starting with a human, and contributing
factors that pollute the water and effect underwater living
Have students help Freddy get all of the trash out of his home
Class will split into three groups: Sharks, Guppies, and Turtles (whichever animal they
like best is the group that they would go to)
Misson: Help Freddy
- A body of water and a trash can will be drawn on the board
- Flashcards of pictures of different objects will be taped inside of the
body of water
- It is up to students to distinguish what belongs in the ocean and what
belongs in the trash; if it belongs in the ocean, then the picture goes into the
ocean; if it belongs in the trash, then students will move the picture to the trash
Mission: Remove Trash
-Students will take trash out of the ocean physically and keep all of
Freddys friends in the ocean so that they will not have to move away from their
Mission: Certification

-Let students know that they are officially world helpers and life
savers and have them sign and color their badges
Differentiated Instructional Support:
-Words along with pictures are on the flash cards for the hearing impaired
Lesson Assessment:
Ask students to name some ways that they can help keep water clean
Have students list some things that do not belong in the water

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