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Casey Austin Flaim

Part One
Mars August 19th 2090
You know her dad works for the government right?
Yes, obviously I know this You know I monitor these kids all day. I think I know more about
them than you do.
Okay, okay, no need to get snappy at me, I was just saying youre crazy. I dont want
government officials coming after us.
I understand your concern, but trust me for once on this; it will be fine. After all, it is for a good
cause you know. Im sure this government official is already very used to doing whats best for
the people

Is that sarcasm I sense?

Ha. Youre a quick one arent you?
Your extra snarky this morning Just be careful and choose wisely okay? Thats all I ask.
Im always wise. Relax.

Part Two
Mars August 21st 2090
I woke up to the sun reflecting a beam of light through my window and shining on my
face. Not the best wakeup call. I got up to greet the day, since Mother Nature obviously wasnt

Commented [CAF1]: NCATE/NCTE Standards 2.6

demonstrates role of arts/humanities in learning

Casey Austin Flaim

going to let me sleep in. I stumbled out of bed and opened my curtains, my eyes scanned over the
glistening city in the distance, this dusty red planet I call home.
I don't remember much about life back on Earth, and I didnt care to think about it. Mars
is so much better anyway. My mother, father, and I moved to Mars when I was five to escape
from the decaying planet that used to be the mecca for all existenceEarth. It wasnt until the
government realized that Earth could no longer sustain life that they started shipping people off
to Mars. I dont know much about what happened on Earth now. The only thing I hear is from
the weird kids in school, making up conspiracy theories and constantly rumors. Some people say
that the inhabitants of Earth are mutants now, transformed from the toxic gases that have taken
up the atmosphere. Others say that the planet is a waste land, and that all life there dropped dead
months after most people left for Mars. No one knows for sure though, its all just talk, the
government doesnt let us know that kind of information.
Volt, come down for breakfast xoxo ~Mom
I saw the message flash in the corner of my eye. I never understood why parents always had to
sign their name after their COM messages, it was so embarrassing older generations will never
be good with technology, even if its a part of their brain.
Thanks mom.
I sleepily made myself get ready, slowly brushing my long curly blue hair (bright hair
was the style now on Mars My mom and dad hate it though; their still stuck in Earth style). I
threw on a pair of black leather pants and a holographic top that reflected the sun and made
bright rainbows bounce of my mirror. I couldn't help but stare for a second and move with the
light so it casted rays of light throughout my room. As I grabbed my backpack to make my way

Commented [CAF2]: NCATE/NCTE Standards 3.4 know

different composing processes

Casey Austin Flaim

down the stairs a quite ding rang in my head; another pop-up. The ad flashed like a strobe light in
my head as if it were something important and read:
Volt DeNoia! Special offers INSIDE!
It didnt fool me obviously, I knew it was junk. I watched the ad anyway. This one was for
clothesIt showed a group of teenagers giggling and running around all decked out in ORGO
clothing. Looking carefree and all wearing ripped jeans and flowing tops; very outdated. The
slogan popped up after the video was over:
The carefree style of Earth that we all miss.
These clothes were of no interest to me. Why would anyone feel the need to live in the past like
Good morning doll face. My mom greeted me when I reached the kitchen.
I could see her eyes looking as if they were focusing on something far off in the distance; she
was reading the newspaper. She always looked as if she was on another planet when she read and
I hoped that I didnt look like that when I was on my COM. My mom was a typical stay at home
mom, since my dad worked for the government she didnt have to get a job on Mars; my dad
makes enough money for us to live pretty comfortably here.
From the looks of my moms Earth-like clothing and her normal brown hair with specks
of white peeking through you could tell she was a bit older, though her face still looked as if she
was in her late 20s her girlfriends talked her into getting a tad bit of plastic surgery when we
got to Mars, it was the only thing my mom was willing to change about her appearance,
everything else she said was to futuristic and scary for her, I knew it was because she missed
Earth the most out of anyone I know.

Casey Austin Flaim

Thanks for the breakfast!

You can talk to me normally you knowI am sitting right here. She said in a sad kind of way.
It made me feel bad. I tend to forget how much she likes talking face to face, no one else
ever talks anymore. Only parents and teachers and important political people still do.
Okay, Im sorry, its just no one in school really does it anymore, Im so used to not doing it
that I She interrupted before I could finish.
Its okay sweetie. I just like to hear your voice thats all.
I didnt want to admit it to her, but I didnt like talking all that much. On the rare
occasion when I did the sound of my voice scared me a little it was too nasally and I felt like I
sounded dumb. Messaging on the COM got rid of all that self-consciousness. We sat and talked
as we ate breakfast, regardless of how much I hated it; if she likes the sound of my voice then Ill
talk just for her. She asked me things about school, what was new with my friends, usual
morning small talk that I wasnt paying attention to because my harsh wakeup call had me
feeling more exhausted than usual. I decided to type:
Starbucks Blonde Roast Coffee Shot
Into my COM and sent it to the computer built into our counter. I heard the bing seconds later
and walked to get it. I opened the compartment and a tiny syringe filled with brown liquid
goodness was waiting for me. I picked it up, stuck out my left arm and tried to find a good place
to put the needle in. On the first try I winced a little, not a good spot, that vein was too small. I
tried again and as the needle sunk into my vein I immediately felt awake and ready for the day.
My best friend Loga once told me that people on Earth used to have to drink their coffee. I think
she was making it up. But if it was true I cant imagine what thats like, sounds like a pain if you

Casey Austin Flaim

ask me. My mom noticed after the shot that I was a lot more alert and brought up a more serious
So apparently your father has a big meeting todayvery confidential stuff apparently.
I never really got involved in what my dad did really, I just knew that it was very
important, very secretive, and very confusing for me to understand. Even if I was interested, we
only get to know bits and pieces of his job. Like I said before, the government doesn't let us
know hardly any important information.
Oh? Anything cool? I tried to sound interested. My voice cracked a little on the word oh. I
was very close to being fed up with talking today.
Something about a big announcement that the government is making, thats all I know.
I could tell that she was excited about this kind of thing, all grownups are. I will never
understand it and I hope Im not as wrapped up in boring government issues when Im old.
Yeah probably not Well, got to go mom I dont want to be late.
Okay Volt, I love you!
I love you more.

Part Three
Mars August 21st 2090
You arent the slightest bit nervous about this announcement?
Uhm, no. Why should I be?
Oh, I dont know, maybe because your voice is going to be heard all across Mars for everyone
to hear. On top of that its not like you're announcing something people will be happy about

Commented [CAF3]: English Department Outcomes

Assessment 1. To produce graduates who demonstrate
mastery of ELA

Casey Austin Flaim

Hey, dont go saying this stuff trying to make me nervous on the big day! Im not trying to
chicken out right at the last second.
Sorry, Sorry, I wasnt trying to make you nervous I was just curious. So, how do you think
everyones going to take it anyway?
Well, lets just say Im hoping for the best, maybe only a crowd of protestors in the capitol
shooting up some government buildings.
Thats better than I was imagining. I pictured a stampede with bazookas.
Lets hope they dont take it that badly. You know? You are being extra negative today. How
about you leave me alone awhile and let me relax before this? Huh?
Okay. Geez, you sound like you need to calm down anyway.

Part Four
6:50 am
Mars August 21st 2090
I grabbed my bag and headed outside. I blocked a few pop-ups on my way out, listening
to them would have been a waste of time and would have made me later than I already was. It
was 6:50 and school started in 45 minutes so I decided to take the Tube to class. Normally, I
would just take our 2090 Mercedes cover car; it was my favorite thing to drive, all black leather
interior with a chrome paint job it looked amazing flying past the sunrise in the morning.
However, I could tell by looking at the mass of heavy traffic whizzing up above that driving
would not be the best option. The Tube station was a block from my house so I walked there as
fast as possible. When I got to the line there were only two people in front of me. I waited while
they typed in their destinations and watched as they stepped in and shot off into the sky. When it
was my turn I typed in 300 Wallace Drive, Mars PS118 High School. I stepped in and when the

Casey Austin Flaim

door closed and the clear glass surrounded me I immediately remembered why I never took the
Tube. I hope my breakfast doesn't come back up. I felt the burst of air come from below my feet
and felt my body start to rise slowly then I was blasted off in an instant. The Tube feels like
you're gliding. My favorite thing about the Tube is that it gets you where you need to go fast but
the pressure isnt powerful enough so that it hurts your face, its almost as if you're floating on a
cloud; the white poofy ones like they have on earth. Not the genetically modified Clouds they
made here to make it look earthier. Those just look fake.
On my way to school I looked over the city below me, first I saw the small houses in my
suburb, all exact replicas of each other lined in perfect rows. As I travelled farther I reached the
tall chrome buildings of the city, shimmering in the sunlight while tons of people bustled through
the streets. I thought to myself that Ive never seen anything as beautiful in my life. I always
planned on moving to the city when I get older, the life there is electrifying, there is always
something happening and no one is never bored In history class we learned about New York
City on earth and how it was apparently the city that never slept. Mars definitely puts that
place to shame. Mars is New York City on Adderall.
I felt myself slowing I looked out over the five buildings that made up my high school
and the crowds of kids. It was interesting to see them from all the way up here. It was an array of
colors looking at the groups of girls. Everyone wore black or sliver clothes; but their hair, their
hair was every color from hot pink to green. Honestly, thats one of the most exciting things
about coming to school, when one of my friends comes in with new bright yellow or orange hair.
Thats a thousand times more interesting than half the stuff we learn in school. Half the time I
dont even known why we go to school anymore, anything I need to know I could just look up
and download on my COM for a certain price.

Casey Austin Flaim

Most of the people standing down below around were talking on their COMs. It was
even more obvious how dependent we were on them from this height. Everyone just stood there,
occasionally talking normally or making gestures but for the most part everyone stood around
with blank looks on their faces either talking to their friends, buying stuff online, or watching
whatever ads were popping up in there COM inboxes. But thats life I guess.

Part Five
7:25 am
Mars August 21st 2090
Not you again
Okay, Wilson, hear me out I know you said not to bug you, but I was just curious, what kids
did you decide on after all?
Lock, Marty, Sul, Q, and Null. As for the girls, Ali, Dia, Loga, Lee, and Volt. Satisfied?
Okay good. Now go. You make me nervous.

Part Six
7:25 am
Mars August 21st 2090
I came to a full stop and as I stepped out of the Tube my eyes immediately wandered to
where my group of friends were on the quad in front of the school and I made my way over to
them. In the group was Lin, she has been a close friend of mine since last year. She is originally
from China, she has perfect skin and amazing hair that she keeps jet black. She likes to stand out
as much as possible, and the black makes her look pretty badass, the bull piercing in her nose
helps with that also. Then there was my best friend, Loga. We have been best friends since I
could remember, so much so that even our parents have become close. We came on the same

Casey Austin Flaim

spaceship to Mars together, I remember us holding hands and closing our eyes during takeoff due
to a little bit of excitement mixed with a ton of nervousness for what Mars would bring. Loga is
one of the prettiest girls in school, her genetically altered purple eyes combined with her
periwinkle color hair is honestly stunning. The boys were hanging around too, Q and Jones. They
have been in my classes since 9th grade, we usually had the same group of friends but we were
never super close. The only reason they hung around us so much now is because Jones and Lin
just started dating. Jones was not attractive to me, he was bald and had bright yellow eyes that
made him look like a cat. He did have amazing cheek bones Ill give him that, but now that I
think of it they might have been part of the reason his face was so intimidating. Q on the other
hand was actually pretty handsome. He was one of the only guys in school that had his hair died.
Q was constantly cracking jokes, the only word I can think to describe him his silly, so that
makes sense of his maroon hair. He was definitely too much of a jokester for me, thats why I
never pursued him; were definitely better off friends.
They were all laying in the bright green synthetic grass looking up at the clouds,
soaking up the beautiful morning before we had to be inside all day. I went and sat down next to
them, even though the synthetic grass was a little itchy (nothing like I remember real grass was
like when I was little). I entered the group chat:
Hey you sexy thing. Loga
Hey! *kiss* I wish we could lay out here all day, dont you?
Yeah too nice for school lets ditch. Maybe take a ride to the moon! Its probs so sick there
Alright, we all know Im not skipping school. Lets all take a summer vacay on the Moon

Casey Austin Flaim


You and your perfect attendance lol.Lin

Okay you know my dad is the principle I dont have a choice! Ugh!Loga
Ha. Whatever, back to the Moon plan? Im down. We can stay at my dads place there this
Omg, okay this has to happen please!

Ya, I second that.Q

Just then there was a loud eeeeerrrrrrrr noise that broadcasted in my COM. I nearly
jumped out of my skin. I looked around and noticed that everyone else must have too by the
painful looks on their faces.
Ouch! WTF!Jones
Our COM was interrupted once again, everything went black inside my head expect the
Everyone was dead silent as we walked in huge bronze doors to the school and into the
grand hall. There were teachers there messaging us with our row and seat numbers. An Earth
History teacher that I had last year looked at me and messaged:
Row 1, seat 1
Of course I was right in front, I couldnt even sleep through whatever this is right now. I
turned and looked back and was so thankful that I saw Loga and Q following to the front row.
Looks like I lucked out after all. The crowd of students buzzed with whispers as we all tried to

Commented [CAF4]: English Department Outcomes

Assessment 2 to produce graduates that know elements of

Casey Austin Flaim


figure out what was going on. Teachers paced down the aisles trying to shush everyone. The
buzz of excitement gradually came to a stop until the grand hall was completely silent. The way
the teachers stood in the aisles freaked me out. There was one teacher paced out every 10 steps.
Are we in trouble? I tried to message Loga.
My COM wouldnt let me send it. The school had tapped into our COMs again? This is insane, I
didnt know they could shut down our COMs like that. I tried to open the internet, send a
message to my mom. Nothing. I was completely shut down Helpless. I was too busy having a
nervous breakdown that I didnt even notice the hologram that appeared on the stage directly in
front of me. When he cleared his throat to start talking I nearly jumped out of my chair. My head
whipped around to look at him. He was very tall, very built, and even in the hologram I could tell
he wore a very expensive looking suit. His dark black hair was slicked back with a lot of gel and
the smirk on his face was intimidating to say the least. I looked over to Loga and she looked just
as confused as I did. She gave me a shrug and turned her attention back to the hologram on stage.
Hello everyone! his deep voice boomed throughout the grand hall. Its nice to see all
these bright smiling faces today. I am Mr. Wilson. I have come to make a very important
I looked around my row and saw that most of the kids around me were definitely not smiling. I
turned to my right and I saw Qs head drop a little and his eyes on the verge of closing.
I have come to realize that the minds in this room are among the brightest on this planet.
That is why I have come to you. Yes, I could have gone to Miller High, PS200 High, but no, I
want your minds right here at PS118 No one else can compare to you. I heard his voice slow
and become increasingly serious. On that last word I swear he looked directly at me.

Commented [CAF5]: English Department Outcomes

Assessment 4. To produce graduates who/use understand a
variety of media.

Casey Austin Flaim


I have done some research on a few superior individuals in particular and I think I have
finally narrowed it down to a select few, who I feel have the potential to change the world.
Research? Like looking at our test grades or something? This Wilson guy was giving me more
and more reasons to this he is a creep.
If you all would be so kind. Please, give a round of applause to these incredible minds
Lock, Marty, Sul, Q, and last but not least Null. Come on up guys! A huge smile lit up his face
as he said their names.
A round of applause erupted in the hall. They must be getting some kind of award. I
turned to look at Q. His eyes were wide now and I could see the confusion in his eyes, as well as
in the eyes of all the other boys. Some of the boys I knew, I had a few classes with Sul last year.
Whatever research Mr. Wilson did he was spot on because Sul was one of the smartest kids in
our grade. The only other one I recognized was Lock, I had seen him around the halls before. I
watched as they made their way on stage. Mr. Wilson was motioning to them to stand and face
the audience.
Now dont you think that I left out the women of this school. Would Ali, Dia, Loga,
Lee, and Volt please grace me with your presence on stage! He smiled a devious smile.
What did he just say? I said in a panicked whisper to Loga.
I dont know, come on. She said pulling me up. I was too scared to move. Lets go!
She urged, looking at me like I was crazy for not moving.
Loga yanked me up against my will and I followed her up on stage. As I took each step I
concentrated on not falling. More importantly, I was wondering why the hell I was being called
up on stage in the first place. Im not a superior individual, or whatever that guy said. Im
normal, Im just a normal high school girl. When I reached the stage I glanced over the audience,

Casey Austin Flaim


I couldnt make out anyone because of the stage lights. I tried to find Lin, Jones, or anyone I
recognized but everyone just looked like shadowy blobs. My glance then wandered to Mr.
Wilsons hologram. When I stared at him his eyes met mine, he smiled as if he had known me
for my whole life, like he was so proud of me for this moment. Im pretty sure the face I made
back at him was that of utter confusion and repulsion.
Im sure you all would love to know why I have called you up here today. He said with
s sarcastic tone.
I am proud to say that you all have been chosen due to your character, wit, and ability to
assist our government in an attempt to travel back to Earth. This trip is crucial to continue our
life here on Mars, so we have only chosen the best of the best. Everyone, as well as myself,
believes that you all will be the ones to guide us and more importantly, obtain what we need to
have our lives flourish here on Mars for years to come! Congratulations! His words rang
through the grand hall but were drowned almost instantly by the deafening round of applause
that broke out.
What did he say? Why me? Im not going. They cant make me go.

Commented [CAF6]: English Department Outcomes

Assessment 3. To produce graduates that are effective

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