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Karen Clarke

What Is Arjunas conflict and why?
He is supposed to go into what could be considered a civil war; he must battle with
people he knows, as the reading states There Arjuna recognizes fathers,
grandfathers, teachers, uncles, brothers, sons, grandsons, an comrades. He
becomes compassionate and war is not as easy as it was before. He is afraid of guilt
because he begins to feel sympathy for the familiar faces. Arjuna goes on to says I
no longer desire victory, Krishna, nor kingship, nor the delights that come from it.
What good will kingships do me, Krishna, or pleasure, or life? They for whom I
desire kingship, pleasures, and delights stand here in battle array, offering up their
lives and substance. He is simply saying that he does not want to be king if it means
that he must turn on the familiar faces.
What does Krishna use as a way to persuade Arjuna into continuing with the
Krishna goes on to explain to Arjuna about the self. He explains, I have always
existed, you too have always existed. The time shall never come when we shall all
cease to exit. He is basically telling Arjuna that even though he will be killing them
they will be reincarnate into another life. But in this life it is Arjunas destiny to put
in end to this evil. If he chooses not to go to battle he is not fulfilling his destiny.

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