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6. IMITATE THE GOOD EXAMPLE of your parents.

I say their good example, for if they unhappily set you a bad one, it
is at the peril of your soul that you follow it. It was a noble answer
which Frederick IV returned to the prince, who advised him to follow
the example of his father Lewis"In the business of religion we
must follow the example of parents and ancestors, only so far as
they are agreeable to the will of God." Marcus Aurelius Antonius,
when he came to the throne of Imperial Rome, publicly expressed
his determination not to follow the usual conduct of the Caesars, but
to act as a disciple of the pious Antonine, and to act, and speak,
and think, as his foster-father did. Survey the conduct
of your parents; let their failings be thrown back in shadow, their
excellences brought out in full sight. Where they are truly pious, be
followers of their religious character. You bear the likeness of their
bodies, receive also the impress of their minds. Seek to catch the
family feature of their piety.
A wicked child, of godly parents, is the most awful character upon
earth. With what horror do I look upon such an one! That he should
swear, who was taught to pray! Thathe should violate the Sabbath,
who was led up from his infantine days, to the house of God!
That he should despise religion, who has ever seen its beautiful
form, in the example of a godly father, and a pious mother!
That he should be a friend of profane and unclean people, who from
a child has been the companion of saints! Shocking spectacle!!
But even where there may be no actual irreligion, there is
oftentimes a lack of true religion; and this also, is distressing. What
an aggravation is it to the sin of being an unbeliever, to have lived
all the earlier part of life, with an example of true godliness before
our eyes! This is a dreadful and actual resistance of the most
alluring means which heaven ever employs for the conversion of a
sinner; it is a resolute determination to neglect and forget religion,
in spite of an attracting and powerful memorial of it constantly
before your eyes. What a meeting will such children have with their
parents at the last day!!

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