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IE 111 Statics, Tutorial Sheet 12

Problem 1

The Dancing Irish Leprechaun turned out to be a dud and the Wicked White Witch
easily disposed of him by cutting off his head and hanging the rest of his body from
a beam. For good measure WWW tied Little Boyet to the same beam and
threatened to put Princess Bukangliwayway in the same predicament if LB did not
produce the shear and bending moment diagrams of the very beam he was hanging
from. LB harbored no love for PB but loathed the thought of having a woman to
hang for his sake. Can you help Little Boyet produce the diagrams?
Other data: the beam is weightless, LB is 44 kg, the Leprechaun is 60 kg with his
head, but only 55 kg without it. AB = 1.1 m, BC = 1.2 m, and CD = 1.3 m.
Problem 2

In the meantime the Wicked White Witch is lazily planning her next move, while
lying on another beam. If her weight is uniformly distributed along the length of her
body, make the shear and bending moment diagrams of the beam.
More data: WWW is 75 kg. AB = 1.4 m, BC = 1.5 m, CD = 1.6 m. The beam is
ps The weight of WWW is distributed evenly along the length BC.

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